A 23-year-old man from Tajikistan was deprived of Russian citizenship for evading military service . His passport has been confiscated and he will soon be deported.

A Tajik man convicted of evading military service in Skopinskiy district was deprived of his Russian citizenship. The investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Ryazan region reported this on its Telegram channel .

The young man received Russian citizenship on May 6, 2022. During the investigation, it was found that he was obliged to participate in military service in Russia, and that he did not come to the military commissar ariat for activities related to military service. The court found him guilty of evading military service and fined him.

The Tajik man was deprived of his Russian citizenship under the article "On Citizenship of the Russian Federation" for refusing to serve.

A day ago, the young man's passport was confiscated and he will soon be deported from the country .

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