Iran's President Masoud Pezeshkian has appointed a Sunni Muslim to the post of vice president, Arab News reports.

Sunnis make up about 10 percent of Iran's population. However, after the Islamic Revolution of 1979, they were rarely appointed to leadership positions.

An exception to this practice was the appointment of Abdulkarim Husainzoda as the vice-president for the development of rural and disadvantaged groups on Monday. Hosseinzoda's candidate was chosen because of his extensive and valuable experience, the website of the presidential administration says.

44-year-old reformer Abdulkarim Hosseinzoda previously represented the cities of Nagadeh and Oshnavie in the Iranian parliament. He has repeatedly spoken out in defense of the rights of the Sunni minority.

During the election campaign, Masud Pazeshkian criticized the absence of representatives of religious and national minorities in the government, in particular, he mentioned the Sunni Kurds.

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