Russian special forces conducted an anti-terrorist operation in Karabulok, Ingushetia . On Saturday evening, a shooting occurred in one of the apartment buildings where the armed group was hiding in this city. It was announced that the special operation has ended.

Russian special forces conducted an anti-terrorist operation in Karabulok, Ingushetia, TASS reported.

"The special operation has ended. The anti-terror operation regime will remain in effect ," said the interlocutor of the agency.

Earlier on Saturday night, it was reported that the armed group was hiding in one of the multi-storey buildings in the city of Karabulok, and that a counter-terrorist operation was being conducted against them by the Russian special forces.

It is noted that one of the members of the group was wanted for attacking the policemen in the spring of 2023. When the special forces tried to arrest the group, the shooting started, during the shooting, a fire broke out on the balcony of the apartment. It was reported that the group also used grenades in the shooting.

The head of Ingushetia, Mahmud-Ali Kalimatov assured that the situation in Karabulok is under control and urged the population not to panic. According to him, there were no victims among the civilians, and an ambulance brigade was working at the scene. The Ministry of Health of Ingushetia denied the information about the victims of the shooting, which was distributed by some mass media.

Residents of neighboring houses were evacuated for safety reasons. Residents were accommodated in the local school building.

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