A new political party called " Democratic Alliance for Diversity and Awakening" (DAVA) has emerged in Germany, whose goal is to protect the interests of the Muslim minority .

A new political party called "Democratic Alliance for Diversity and Awakening" (DAVA) has emerged in Germany, whose goal is to protect the interests of the Muslim minority.

According to TRT 's publications, the number of potential voters of the party planning to participate in the elections to the European Parliament may be 5 million people.

The Bild newspaper published an article stating that the party may have some connections with Turkey due to the great popularity of Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan among Turks living in Germany.

The association itself has no ties with Turkish parties and emphasized that DAVA does not receive support from abroad.

The party leadership consists of four politicians - a doctor from Hamburg, Mustafa Yoldosh, who was listed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs "for supporting H AMAS and related organizations", doctor Ali Ihsan Unlu from Lower Saxony, lawyer Fatih Zingal from Zolingen and head of the association Teyfik Ozjan, a human rights activist and a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany for 30 years , took the seat .

Considering that they , including persons of foreign origin, face serious problems in finding an apartment and getting a job, they demand that they be given all the necessary rights.

In June 2023, the independent expert council for combating anti-Muslim hate speech published a report on the prevalence of anti-Muslim racism and Islamophobia in German society.

According to the publication, Muslims are often treated as outsiders in Germany, and roughly one in two German residents agree with anti-Muslim statements. The authors of the report concluded that Muslims in Germany are "one of the most vulnerable minorities".

In the study, experts noted that many crimes caused by Islamophobia remain outside the scope of official statistics.

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