CAVOL: My brother passed away recently. During the process of burying my brother, learned people quarreled among themselves. One group of people said that "the face should be uncovered when the corpse is placed in the coffin, while another group of people said that the face should be covered." Please clarify this issue.

ANSWER: Bismillahir Rohmanir Rahim.
After the death of a person, such matters as washing him, shrouding him, reading the funeral and placing him in the grave are carried out according to the instructions of our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. According to him, the dead body is laid on the right side in the grave, facing the Qibla, and buried without opening the shroud. It is against Sharia to expose the face of the dead body when it is placed in the grave. In addition, after the corpse is shrouded, it is considered that it has passed from the life of the world to the life of the barzah. For this reason, it is necessary to try not to reveal the face in order not to have a bad suspicion about him if his face is darkened or there are other changes. God bless you.
Office of Muslims of Uzbekistan
Fatwa Center

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