I watched a video today. A real battle scene in Gaza. A group of Israeli soldiers are shooting with Hamas in a house. One soldier is wounded, then they retreat to another room. In the video, only two soldiers can be seen firing machine guns, while the others huddle in a corner in fear, apparently waiting for reinforcements to arrive. The video was taken from a body camera of one of the soldiers. Given that Israel tries to assert its defeat and weakness in any way possible, it is most likely that these invaders were killed by Hamas and the video was released by them.

The whole world knew that no matter how cowardly the Jews were, they would be "lions" against unarmed, weak women and children. Still armed to the teeth! But have you ever seen Hamas soldiers unjustly execute any civilian, let alone women and children? I didn't see. On the contrary, the freed Israelis said in their own language that even the prisoners of war were treated humanely. During the exchange of prisoners, even they came out healthy, neat and with smiles on their faces, which impressed the whole world. Israeli? We even witnessed how much they tortured children, let them go disabled and sick. The fact that the Westerners chose Hamas by a large margin to a European woman's questionnaire asking who would you choose to be held captive by, Hamas or Israel, shows how moral and how valiant they are waging war, and that they treat the captives leniently, which even some governments do not treat their own citizens.


People can fight each other for various reasons: defense, occupation, natural resources, etc. Fighting is human nature, for better or for worse. Throughout history, people have fought regularly. If you turn the pages of the past, there is no year, no century, when two peoples, two states, two groups did not destroy each other.

But. War is different from war. War has its own unwritten rules. Non-massacre of civilians, women and children, humane treatment of prisoners and wounded are the main criteria of these rules. Regardless of the cause of war, these golden rules have been followed for centuries, with few exceptions. True, there were cases of taking captives and booty, enslavement. But captives and slaves were treated like human beings, and their rights were observed. These rules were followed regardless of the religion or belief of the victorious side. That is why this field was called the field of the brave.

What does it mean to be brave on the battlefield? Either an honorable death or a peaceful life. After all, do you believe that a person who oppresses and assaults an unarmed and helpless person who has already suffered great losses will live in peace for the rest of his life? How about sleeping soundly and not having nightmares? Although he invented thousands of excuses for himself to justify his actions at that time, I do not believe that he will live as in the pamphlet.


From the Cold War to the present day, the United States has been waging bloody wars in various parts of the world, causing millions of people to die, become homeless and stateless in Vietnam (1955-1975), Iraq (2003-2011), Afghanistan (2001-2021) and other regions. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of soldiers returned from the wars crippled and mentally ill.

In the Vietnam War alone, the United States used such horrific weapons as Napalm (an incendiary weapon), Orange (a chemical weapon that destroys trees and crops), and killed hundreds of thousands of civilians. Along with 58,000 victims, it also had an innumerable (2.5 million soldiers participated in the war) army of mentally ill.

David Cortright, one of the main activists against the US war in Vietnam, admits that Vietnam War veterans suffered from depression, dependence (alcohol or drugs), violence and suicide, and many of them had broken families. The suicide rate among veterans of the US wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan is very high. Even today, in the big cities of the United States, you will find many healthy, fit and young men who are homeless. Most of them turned into half-mads and criminals as a result of the psychological injuries they received in the wars.

Or as a result of the unjust and unfair wars of the former USSR in Afghanistan and today's Russia in Ukraine, thousands of military personnel have received and continue to receive great psychological injuries. In any case, the word "contusion" is not unfamiliar to us Uzbeks. They are actually victims of war, but of an unjust and infamous war.


Back to the war in Gaza. According to the Israeli press, during this 110-day war, about 30,000 military personnel were injured in various degrees, most of them suffered mental injuries, and even admit that they urinate at night because of fear.

I can say with confidence that after the end of the war in Gaza, none of the victorious fighters will spend the rest of their lives with terror and mental illness, on the contrary, they will live with peace of mind, pride and honor in their hearts. Because, firstly, they are defending their homeland, nation, religion and honor, and secondly, they are fighting bravely, only bravely destroying the military units of the enemy.

I seem to understand the meaning of each of their triumphal figures: if you fight, fight bravely, and if you die, die with honor.

Sanjar Said

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