Ramadan... is the auspicious season that the Messenger of God (pbuh) and his companions have been eagerly waiting for eleven months. The blessed days when the righteous predecessors said: "Allah, lead us to Ramadan." The month of thanksgiving and forgiveness, which gives hope for the forgiveness of sins...

How are we waiting for it and how are we watching it? If we pay attention, there is a huge (perhaps even greater) difference between the "Ramadan" of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions and our "Ramadan".

A few days before Ramadan, if you go to the market, to the big shopping malls, you will see people buying different kinds of food and drinks. It is as if they are preparing for famine, not for the month of piety. I wonder if they think about the fact that there are millions of hungry and naked Muslims in the world?!

Today, many of us do not understand the truth of fasting. The purpose of fasting is not only to abstain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk. After all, what is the meaning of the fasting of a fasting person who, after hearing the evening call to prayer, "quenched his thirst, water ran through his veins and, insha'Allah, the reward has been fixed" and lit a cigarette behind him?! What does piety have to do with the actions of a person who fasts during the day, prays, gives alms, recites the Qur'an, and then spends the night watching TV and scrolling through the most shameful pages of the Internet?!

However, Ramadan is the real arena of competition, the prey of the faithful and the delight of the faithful. The days and nights of Ramadan are the crown of the beginning of time. Therefore, heaven will be for the slave who spends his nights awake, follows the rituals of fasting, wakes up from heedlessness, and takes a reserve from today to tomorrow! Indeed, reaching Ramadan is the greatest of blessings. Death has drawn many people to its trap. Many beds were filled with sick people who cried blood and were broken-hearted, hoping to fast even for a day and pray even for a night. But "...it was blocked between them and what they wanted (faith)..." (Saba', 54).

Maybe this is the LAST RAMADAN for me, for you!

Let us renew our faith and wash away our sins. Let's pray: "O Allah, make us reach Ramadan for many years and make us among your slaves freed from hell!"

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