The Supreme Court of Kazakhstan has made a decision to close 26 boarding houses belonging to the "Jibek Joli" charitable organization. It is said that religious studies were taught illegally in these boarding houses and that the charitable organization had a connection with the Turkish Sufi community - Sulaymonji.

In May of this year, the Almaty court canceled the state registration of 26 branches of the association of charitable institutions "Zibek Joli". "Yeni Şafak" publication wrote about it.

According to estimates, 92 boarding houses of the charitable organization were operating across the country. According to the authorities of Kazakhstan, charitable organizations have violated the country's legislation. It is also said that religious studies are taught here illegally, and that the charitable organization is connected with the Turkish Sufi community - Sulaymonji.

According to the publication, this trend originated in Bulgaria, its founder is Sheikh Suleiman Khilmi Tunakhon Al-Silistrevi (1888-1959), a representative of the Naqshbandi sect. The Sheikh's followers describe him as "Khatm al-Awliya" (The Last Seal of the Saints) and "Murshid al-Kamil" (The Perfect Master). In addition, murids consider their teacher as a mediator between Allah and those who follow the sheikh. Until now, it was said that "Sulaymonji"'s beliefs correspond to the requirements of the Department of Muslims of Kazakhstan.

Unexpectedly, the decision to close 26 boarding houses of the charitable organization at the same time was announced in the press release of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In particular, the press release states:

"By the decision of the specialized inter-district economic court of Almaty, the state registration was canceled and the activities of 26 charitable institutions were terminated. This decision was left unchanged in the appeal court."

The court cited the fact that charitable institutions did not work according to their charter as the reason:

"According to the results of the investigation conducted by the authorized body, it was found that only 11 of 26 institutions engaged in charitable and educational activities in Almaty worked, and 15 did not work in the place stipulated in the agreement. The institutions committed a number of violations directly related to the life and health of children.

Also, he grossly violated existing requirements in the field of architecture, urban planning, fire safety requirements, sanitary-epidemiological norms, religious, charitable and financial activities. In particular, some departments of the organization provided religious education without a proper license," the court decision said.

It is noted that at the same time, the memorandum with "Jibek Joly" was unilaterally canceled by the Religious Department of Muslims of Kazakhstan. A criminal case has been initiated against charity institutions and their management that have violated the norms of the law.

According to information, the lawsuit to cancel the state registration of these boarding houses was initiated by the Prosecutor's Office of Almaty, in fact, it was felt that a large-scale attack against "Sulaymonji" had begun already at the beginning of last year. Dozens of the same type of "exposing materials" were prepared, especially in the mass media of Kazakhstan. Most of them were broadcast under the rubric "With the support of the Almaty City Department of Religious Affairs" or "State Order".

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