Bakhti-Aya gas railway will increase the carrying capacity between Kazakhstan and China from 28 million tons to 48 million tons.

The construction of a new 272 km Bakhti- Aya railway line has begun in the Abay region of Kazakhstan. This was reported by the press service of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.

During the construction of the new line, it is planned to open a third border crossing with China - Bakhti - Chuguchak.

Overall, the Bakhti- Aya railway line will increase the throughput between Kazakhstan and China from 28 million tons to nearly 48 million tons, relieve congestion at southern checkpoints , and attract additional transit volume. The two-track railway is planned to be commissioned in 2027.

The large-scale project will be implemented with the participation of a private investor based on the principles of public-private partnership ( PPP ). In the course of construction, 11 stations, 47 bridges, 23 railway and 8 road overpasses, 5 pedestrian bridges, and 16 observation facilities will be built.

" In the last five years, the volume of transit container transportation has increased 3.2 times. Existing transit lanes are being expanded and new ones are being opened. The Trans-Caspian international transport route, the "North-South" and "South" corridors have gained special importance," said Smoilov.

The Prime Minister said that last year, during the 30th year of independence, the maximum volume of cargo transportation on Kazakhstan's railways was 245 billion tons/kilometer. This year, despite the geopolitical situation and infrastructure constraints, high performance continues, he said.

According to Smoilov, more than 1300 km of railway will be built in the republic in just three years.

" All this will have a positive effect on the economy of not only Abay region, but also the whole country. The implementation of the Bakhti-Aya gas project will accelerate the integration of Kazakhstan's railway network into the world transport system," said Smailov.

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