On August 29, the specialized interdistrict court of Almaty sentenced Gulmira Satibaldi to 12 years in prison. She is the ex-wife of the nephew of Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first president of Kazakhstan.

The court found Satibaldi guilty of forcibly isolating his relative and former business partner Abay Junusov against his will for 165 days in 2019. According to the investigation, in this way, the former daughter-in-law of the first president tried to force the businessman to give up his shares in several companies.

Madi Botirshaev, the former driver of the convict, was also sentenced - he was found guilty of aiding in the forcible detention of a person and sentenced to nine years in prison.

This is not the first sentence against Satibaldi. He is already serving two concurrent prison terms - eight years for stealing and misappropriating shares and assets of several businesses, and seven years for kidnapping and aiding and abetting.

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