Ilhom Aliev, a resident of Azerbaijan , on February 28, while receiving the delegation headed by Michael Harms, the chairman of the Eastern Economic Committee of Germany , touched on the conflict with the Council of Europe.

The head of state mentioned the decision of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to deprive the Azerbaijani delegation of the right to vote.

"Unfortunately, this decision was taken at the initiative of a member of the German parliament, who is a member of the party led by Chancellor Scholtz. Isn't that double standards or playing with us?! The German chancellor demonstrates impartiality, and his statements and actions reflect this. And the member of the party he leads wants to exclude Azerbaijan, which is considered one of the two non-Christian countries in the European Parliament Assembly, and will do it demonstratively and purposefully," Aliev said.

The president of Azerbaijan noted that if the country does not restore the delegation's rights within a year, Baku may seriously consider the issue of full withdrawal from the Council of Europe.

In addition, he emphasized the importance of the recent meeting with Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan in Munich, initiated by Chancellor Scholtz, in terms of adding dynamism to the peace process. At the same time, Ilhom Aliev noted that Azerbaijan also supports holding a meeting of foreign ministers in Berlin at the suggestion of Germany. Thus, adding fuel to the fire, Germany mentioned that it was showing neutrality in the peace process, unlike its neighbor France, which was supplying Armenia with deadly weapons.

President Ilhom Aliyev noted that Azerbaijan is a supporter of the peace process, took the initiative of peace negotiations after the end of the Second Karabakh war, developed 5 main principles of peaceful resolution of the conflict, and presented the draft text of the peace agreement.

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