The Turkish city of Antalya has canceled sisterhood ties with the Israeli city of Bat Yam. Earlier, the city of Adana had broken its sisterhood with Beer Sheva.

The Turkish city of Antalya canceled the sister city agreement with the Israeli city of Tam Yam. Turkey's International Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement for Palestine (BDS Türkiye) was approved at a city council meeting, BDS Türkiye reported.

"At the request of BDS Türkiye, Antalya Hokimity canceled the sister city agreement with the city of Bat Yam at the council meeting held today," the report said.

The decision to cancel the contract was unanimously adopted by the Antalya City Council.

Last month, the Adana city administration canceled the "sister city" agreement with the Israeli city of Beer Sheva.

In Turkey, sister city/sister governance agreements are currently in force between Izmir and Tel Aviv, Kadikoy district and Petah Tikva municipality, Edirne and Bat Yam, Marmaris and Ashkelon.

BDS Turkey reiterated its call to the decision-making bodies of the authorities to immediately cancel these agreements, which serve to justify the crimes of the occupying-genocidal Israel.

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