A famine has been officially declared in Sudan. Over 15 months of civil war between the country's military factions has left more than half of the country's 48 million people starving, with two adults or four children dying every day of malnutrition and hunger in every 10,000 people.

Famine has been officially announced in the Darfur region of Sudan . This was reported by TRT based on the information of the Norwegian Council for Refugees in Sudan.

As a result of the 15-month-long civil war between the government army led by General Al- Burhan and the Rapid Action Forces (SDF), hundreds of thousands of Darfuris have been trapped.

People who fled to the Zamzam camp near Al - Fashir city in North Darfur have been facing starvation since June. Food aid does not reach them. This led to an official declaration of famine, the Norwegian Committee reported . " Zamzam " camp was recently expanded and now accommodates about 500,000 people.

Two other camps in the Al -Fash i r area, Abu Shouk and Al-Salam, may also be affected by famine, but limited information makes this difficult to confirm.

Officially declaring a famine is rare in today's modern world , but it can serve to attract global attention and encourage donor governments to increase funding for aid agencies. According to aid agencies, due to two more major wars taking place on a global scale (wars in Gaza and Ukraine - ed .) and various emergency situations, the necessary aid is not being delivered to Sudan.

"This famine is tragic, devastating and , unfortunately, predictable, " the committee said in a statement .

War between rival warring factions in Sudan has unleashed the world's worst hunger crisis in the once-fertile country, considered the world's breadbasket. According to the World Food Program, more than half of Sudan's 48 million people are at risk of starvation. The country also has the world's worst refugee crisis, with more than 10 million people forced to flee their homes or flee to neighboring countries.

Experts use a strict methodology to classify famine. A famine is declared when 20 percent of households, or one in five people in an area , face a food shortage; 30% of children suffer from acute malnutrition; two adults or four children out of every 10,000 die each day from malnutrition or starvation .

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