Deputies of the Swiss National Council voted against the proposal to recognize Palestine as a state. The text says that "the National Council does not want to recognize Palestine and therefore rejected the corresponding initiative put to the vote by Fabian Molina of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) from Zurich on Tuesday."
61% of 131 votes against this proposal, reported the press service of the parliament.
Molina proposed a vote to recognize Palestine as a state within the 1967 borders "on the condition that the hostages kidnapped by Hamas be released on October 7, 2023."

Molina reminded his colleagues that Ireland, Spain and Norway had already recognized Palestine as a state, and that recognition would "help ensure peace and stability in the region."

Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis has backed a two-state deal in the Middle East, but said the time was not yet given the current war in the Gaza Strip. He also said that according to the Swiss constitution, the country's government, not the parliament, is responsible for international issues.

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