Palestine Drinks, founded by the Hassoun brothers, is experiencing a sharp increase in sales. It became an alternative to Coca-Cola and Pepsi as consumers boycotted American brands.
A representative of Safad Food, the parent company of Palestine Drinks, told The National that millions of orders are coming in, with nearly 4 million cases sold in two months.

"The initiative came from Hussein's brother. "He noticed that many restaurants and stores didn't have big name brand alternatives," the representative said. Many establishments in Europe are turning away from Coca-Cola and Pepsi because of their business with Israel.

Palestine Drinks bottles feature Palestinian symbols such as the olive branch and the keffie motif, as well as the slogan "freedom for all", reflecting the founders' aim to raise awareness of the Palestinian cause. A portion of the proceeds will go to charity for those affected by the conflict.

"It's one of our best-selling and easiest-to-produce products," says a spokesperson. Plans include expansion of non-alcoholic, citrus and energy drinks. "We're growing every day."

At the same time, Palestine Drinks is lagging behind giants Coca-Cola and Pepsi, which sell billions of servings each day. However, the new brand is quickly gaining popularity after American companies boycott their ties to Israel.

It should be noted that in November, the Turkish parliament removed Coca-Cola products from kitchens and food establishments because of its support for Israel.

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