A prayer room for Muslim students was opened at the Moscow Military Academy . This is reported by Vesti.ru with reference to "RIA Novosti".

The buildings were renovated and equipped with the funds of the Religious Office of Russian Muslims and charitable donations.

Moscow mufti Il'dar Alyautdinov called the opening of the mosque an important event and noted that it does not happen in military institutions.

"This is a sign of not only improving the professional skills of future officers in the educational institution, but also taking care of their spiritual and moral maturity," he said.

He added that "the creation of an opportunity to hold religious ceremonies during the training of the high command will help strengthen inter-ethnic and inter-confessional relations between students and teachers, they will not be puzzled about where to perform the obligatory prayer." In addition, Ildar Alyautdinov expressed confidence that the prayer hall will become a place where every employee or student can receive spiritual support, not only for Muslims.

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