A 21-year-old pregnant woman was beaten with an iron spike by a 63-year-old man for wearing a headscarf in Moscow, the capital of Russia. The woman was immediately hospitalized, the life of her fetus is in danger. The man was caught.

In the capital of Russia, a pregnant woman was insulted and then beaten because of her headscarf. This was reported by "Baza" Telegram channel.

Milana, a 21-year-old from Moscow, was standing with her mother at the entrance to the Domodedova metro station when a 63-year-old man approached them and insulted them: the man did not like Milana's black scarf and dress, and therefore called her a "matryoshka" (wooden nesting toy - ed.). and then disappeared.

However, soon after, the man returns with an iron rod and starts beating the pregnant Milana and her mother. According to "Baza", the man hit the pregnant woman's stomach with a stick several times.

The attacker has already been arrested. The victim was taken to the hospital, the child's life is in danger - the fetus is not moving, but the heart is beating.

This attack took place against the background of the widely discussed initiative of Vladislav Davankov, deputy speaker of the Russian State Duma, MP from the New People's Party. On May 28, Davankov launched a legislative initiative to selectively ban religious clothing (scarves, hijab, and niqab) in educational institutions.

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