Russia assessed the event that took place in Brussels on April 5 as another attempt by the " collective West" to draw the South Caucasus into a geopolitical conflict. Moscow urges Yerevan not to fall for the deceptions of the West and not to allow Armenia to follow the wrong path.

Moscow urges Yerevan not to fall for the deceptions of the West and not to allow Armenia to follow the wrong path. This was stated in the statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry regarding the high-level meeting of Armenia-USA-EU format held on April 5, Anadolu reported.

Moscow assesses the meeting in the format of USA-EU-Armenia in Brussels on April 5 as another attempt of the "collective West" to draw the South Caucasus into a geopolitical confrontation.

The document notes that the irresponsible and destructive intervention of forces outside the region in the affairs of the South Caucasus, the desire to create discord between the countries of the region and their neighbors, will cause the most negative consequences for stability, security and economic development, the emergence of new lines of division in the region, as well as uncontrolled growth tension.

"It is clear that the West wants to turn Armenia into a tool for the implementation of its dangerous plans in the South Caucasus. We know that Washington and Brussels, under temporary promises, demand Armenia's withdrawal from the CSTO and EOII, the withdrawal of the Russian military base and border troops," the statement said.

Moscow called on the leadership of Armenia not to allow the West to deceive itself and lead the country down the wrong path that will lead to the creation of a security vacuum, serious problems in the economy and the exodus of the population.

"The fundamental basis of the normalization between the West and Armenia-Azerbaijan is the 2020-2022, which envisages building confidence through the re-establishment of transport and economic relations, delimitation of borders, preparation of peace agreements, contacts of public activists and experts of the leaders of Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. canceled a set of tripartite statements intended for years he does not give up his attempts to do so. It was under the pressure of Washington and Brussels that official Yerevan suspended the implementation of these agreements, on many of which the parties were close to mutually acceptable solutions, in particular, the removal of mutual transport restrictions. "Moscow is ready to contribute in every way to achieve the long-awaited peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia," the Russian MFA noted.

According to Moscow, problematic issues of both regional and bilateral nature in the South Caucasus should be resolved in accordance with the principle of "regional responsibility" agreed at the second meeting of the "3+3" Consultative Platform, which was held in Tehran on October 23 , in which Armenia also participated .

"We call on external players to respect these agreements, and the government of Yerevan to take into account the concerns of neighboring countries when building its foreign policy," the document reads.

We remind you that recently the military situation on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border has become tense. Armenia deployed its military troops and equipment along the border perimeters and fired 30 times with various caliber weapons at the positions of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan within 24 hours.

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