As a result of Israel's massacre in Gaza, the perception of Muslims in the West is changing in a positive direction.

Australian journalist and activist CJ Werleman (CJ Werleman) said that Israel's attacks on Gaza have a positive effect on the perception of Islam and Muslims in the West.

Werleman noted that the Western press for 20 years portrayed Muslims as a security threat in the form of bearded terrorists who wanted to kill Europeans and Americans. The events of Gaza have shown that all perceptions about Islam and Muslims are wrong and false.

Expressing that the people of Gaza have continued to resist the occupation despite unimaginable oppression, suffering and pain, Werleman said that people see in the Gazans a "humble, proud and noble people who have remained strong under very difficult circumstances."

Werleman, referring to the media showing images of Palestinians rescued from the rubble of bombed buildings and still thanking God despite everything, said, "These images changed the false narrative about Islam and Muslims, because people in Gaza wanted nothing more than to be freed from poverty and fear. "He sees a noble people who do not do it. That's why a number of Westerners are taking the Holy Qur'an in their hands and studying Islam," he said.

Stating that there is a systematic and coordinated effort to silence, threaten and punish pro-Palestinian voices on leading media and social media platforms, Wehrleman recalled that hundreds of academics, journalists, writers and activists were fired from their jobs in the first month of the war.

Werleman noted that many people were fired or threatened simply for calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, not for anti-Semitism or support for Hamas.

The daily flow of unfiltered information and images of Israel's violence in Gaza, despite restrictions and censorship, has changed the world, said Werleman.

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