UNRWA reported on the torture of Palestinians by the Israeli military. Arbitrarily arrested Gazans are stripped naked, humiliated and subjected to various tortures. Detainees are also prohibited from defecating.

UNRWA reported on the torture of Palestinians by the Israeli military. UNRWA Commissioner General Philip Lazzarini informed about this , reports Islam News .

According to him, the arbitrarily arrested Gazans are stripped naked, humiliated, and subjected to various tortures. Detainees are also prohibited from defecating. The arrested UN staff confirmed this information.

At the same time, mass graves of Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces continue to be found in Gaza. According to the Ministry of Health, many of those killed, including women and children, were tortured, executed, and some were buried alive before death. More than 400 bodies were found in Nasir Medical Complex in Yunis alone .

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