Mustafa Muhammad Abu Ara, the leader of Hamas in the West Bank, died in an Israeli prison . Abu Ara, 63, is said to have died of "willful medical negligence".

Mustafa Muhammad Abu Ara, the leader of Hamas in the West Bank, died in an Israeli prison. This was reported by Arab News citing the joint statement of the Prisoners' Affairs Authority of the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian Prisoners' Club.

Mustafa Muhammad Abu Ara, 63, died after being transferred from a prison in southern Israel to a hospital, the report said.

"We mourn the death of the leader and prisoner, Sheikh Mustafa Muhammad Abu Ara, and hold the occupation responsible for his murder due to willful medical negligence," Hamas said in a statement.

Abu Ara was arrested in October despite having serious health problems. He was tortured and starved during his detention, the joint statement said.

The Israeli military did not immediately respond to an inquiry about the cause of death.

Palestinian officials this month accused Israel of waging a humiliating "war of revenge" against Palestinian prisoners since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

The Israeli military, however, said it "rejects direct allegations of systematic prisoner abuse" and added that it was acting within the framework of international law.

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