Ismail Haniya, head of the Hamas political bureau, met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Istanbul. At the meeting, he spoke about the unification of all Palestinian forces, the formation of a government of national reconciliation, the conditions under which he agrees to agree with Israel, and others.

Ismail Haniya, the head of the Hamas political bureau, spoke about efforts to unite all Palestinian forces in a meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

"We can agree [with other political movements] on the governance of Gaza," he said. Speaking after the talks in Istanbul, Haniya also noted that some alternative options for power in the Gaza Strip had been proposed in the past, but he said they had not succeeded.

"Hamas does not demand to have the sole say in the management of Gaza, but we are part of the Palestinian people and we can create a government of national unity based on partnership and cooperation, and agree on the management of the region," said a politician who insisted that Gaza should be ruled by the Palestinians.

In two stages

"These are our internal problems. We will not allow the occupiers or anyone else, whether in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, or both , to play with the situation in Palestine."

"We call for the regulation of the internal politics of Palestine in two stages , " continued Hani . To unify the institutions of the Gaza Strip under a single roof, as well as to create a national government that will ensure the holding of elections for the president, the legislature and the councils .

Government of National Reconciliation

Noting that Gaza is an integral part of Palestine, Hani stressed the hope that the region would be governed by a government of national reconciliation that would include the West Bank after the war.

Stating that his visit to Istanbul took place against the background of the historically unprecedented strengthening of relations between Turkey and Palestine, the head of the Politburo of Hamas and all resistance groups called for a "permanent ceasefire, the withdrawal of Israeli troops, the return of displaced persons to their homes, the reconstruction of [infrastructure], the blockade of the Gaza Strip. stated that he would achieve the removal and exchange of [prisoners and hostages]. He added that the Hamas delegation informed President Erdoğan that their desire to reach an agreement remains unchanged.

Israel rejects peace

Noting that Hamas showed flexibility in the negotiations, while Israel took an intransigent position, Hania said that in the meeting with the Turkish president, threats to the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque, events in the West Bank and East Jerusalem were evaluated in connection with the upcoming Pesach holiday in Israel .

Hamas' priority has always been to stop any attacks against the Palestinian people, he said: "That's why we agreed to negotiate." "But we accepted them on the condition of a permanent ceasefire, complete withdrawal of troops, return of displaced persons and an agreement on the exchange of prisoners," the politician added.

Hamas is ready for a deal

Noting that Israel did not accept the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, Hania said: "His only proposal is to return the prisoners, and then continue the war in the Gaza Strip, but this is impossible. "The Israeli army must completely withdraw from the Gaza Strip," he continued.

"Israel does not even want displaced people to return to northern Gaza. In addition, since October 7, they have arrested almost 14,000 Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It is Israel that stands in the way of the agreement, and the United States supports it in this regard and does not put any pressure on it."

"As soon as Israel accepts all the demands, we will certainly be ready to sign the agreement," Haniya added.

American trap

The head of the Hamas political bureau noted that the reaction of the United States to Israel's plan to attack Rafah is hypocritical.

"Although they say they don't want civilians to get hurt , this is a deception operation. All the civilians who died in Gaza, thousands and tens of thousands of martyrs were killed by American weapons and American missiles. This is being done under the political guise of the United States," said Haniya .

He added that the Palestinians understand the situation well and therefore "have not fallen into this trap of the Americans and the Israelis."

"We warn against invading Rafah because it could lead to massive carnage. "Resistance fighters are ready to defend themselves and resist attacks on their people," the politician said.

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