The vote on the resolution of the UN Security Council on the cease-fire in Gaza was postponed for the second time.

A UN Security Council vote on a draft resolution calling for an end to hostilities in Gaza has been postponed for the second time due to a lack of agreement.

Anadolu Agency's sources at the UN said that the vote was supposed to be held yesterday, December 19, at 17:00 New York time. The second postponed voting process is expected to take place today, December 20.

Sources said that the US is not yet convinced by the draft resolution on Gaza prepared by the UN Security Council and that the supporting countries have decided to continue negotiations to avoid another veto of the draft document presented on the subject.

Robert Wood, the US deputy permanent ambassador to the international organization , told reporters : "We are working on a draft resolution with other participants. I cannot say at what stage we are now, we will consider the negotiations that will be held today . "

The draft resolution also calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Gaza to ensure the continued flow and security of humanitarian aid.

The document also calls on all parties to fulfill their obligations to protect civilians based on international law and international humanitarian law, and asks the UN Secretary General to create a mechanism to monitor aid.

The draft resolution, which requires the UN to confirm that the aid is indeed humanitarian aid , and to inform the "Palestinian Authority and Israel" about the types of aid, also includes a call to provide the necessary fuel for the distribution of aid.

The draft resolution calls for the release of all hostages and condemns any violation of international humanitarian law.

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