The opening ceremony of the Paris-2024 Olympic Games took place on July 26. The scenes presented in it shocked the conscious people of the world.

Celebrities, bloggers, mass media evaluated French shows as "disgusting", "tasteless", "stupid", "real trash". These shows have been universally shunned for their highly sexualized themes and blasphemy.

It is known that the first scene embodies the essence of the event, the idea and values of the organizers. If you remember, the opening ceremony of the world football championship held in Qatar began with the recitation of the verse of the Holy Qur'an calling on different nations and peoples to live in harmony with each other. In fact, it turned out that the main goal of cultural events, performances, and decorations during the championship is to promote Islamic values, mutual trust, respect, and traditional family atmosphere. Qatar was able to show humanity the true humanity.

Paris was able to show French values to its people. The international event was opened by a trio known for their sexual education disorder. Even the most liberal Western press called the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics "the most gay games ever". Even pro-sexists themselves wrote, "We are sickened by the sight of effeminate men and half-naked gender activists around young children on stage."

The fact that the scenes were filled with too much inclusivism (tolerance) also aroused the anger of ordinary people. Despite the fact that there are very few people with corrupt nature, sex and spirituality in the world, there were those who considered that the base of the script of the event was taken by this disgusting topic as disrespect for the rest of the people with pure nature. "Do we have to see them?" they complained.
The richest businessman in the world, Elon Musk, assessed the show as "extremely disrespectful towards Christians". And this was the display of the scene of the Last Feast, which is one of the holy slogans related to the life of Jesus in the Christian faith, in a disgusting way.
French cultural figures have re-enacted the Last Supper scene of Jesus and his disciples around the table by sex-perverts, effeminate men, half-naked feminist activists and similar abominations of liberalism.

After that, the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games were strongly condemned by the Christians of the world as a mockery of religious people and religious faith.

Experts estimate that while Qatar promoted Islamic values, French secular ideas and values were promoted at the opening ceremony of the Paris-2024 Olympic Games.

The roots of French secularism go back to the Great French Revolution, implemented by French radicals. At that time, Queen Marie Antoinette, who was given luxury by republican radicals, was beheaded, the monarchy was abolished, and the First French Republic was founded. When the French constitution was supported by a very small number of religious scholars and rejected by the main religious population, the radical revolutionaries took the drastic path of separating religion from all politics. In France, today's scenes have arisen as a result of the disregard of religious values and the radical forced secularization of society. Among the non-religious stratum, the notions of "French secularism" have appeared.

The allocation of a separate scene to the beheaded Marie Antoinette at the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games also showed the roots of French values based on radical secularism.

In general, the scenes of the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games showed the true face of frivolity, vulgarity and the French "secularism".

Restoring our national values in our society today, educating our children with human qualities, morals and ideals that are unique to us are important tasks at the state level. We all know that our national values and culture are inextricably linked with religious education. In such a situation, when it comes to raising our children on the basis of national and religious values, various obstacles are created by the government. As one of these obstacles, it is emphasized that the increase in religious background does not bring economic benefits to the country, but that all developed countries are "secular" countries, therefore, it is right to follow the path of Western secularism.

In fact, today there are many Uzbek politicians who fall in love with French secularism. In general, analysts observe the blind implementation of French radical secularism in our country.
For example, the first article of the French constitution states that "France is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic." The first article of the previous constitution of Uzbekistan stated that "Uzbekistan is a sovereign democratic republic". However, in the newly adopted constitution, this article, repeating the French constitution, states that "Uzbekistan is a sovereign, democratic, legal, social and secular state with a republican form of government." it was stated that. In other words, it was pointed out that our country is a secular and social state like France. Before that, we were not secular, what was the reason for special emphasis on secularism?

Exactly, does borrowing the ideas of the French constitution mean borrowing French ideas, French secularization? Time will tell.

However, if we look at the opinions of a high-ranking Uzbek politician, today's state policy shows that it is following the idea of very big scientists in quotes that "let people choose whether to enter hell or not, and if they enter, they will enter." This ideology, that is, allowing people to commit acts that lead to hell according to religious values and standards, is seen as tasks of "great importance for the development of society."

Don't modern Uzbek politicians know any other way to develop the society than to allow them to commit moral evils? Do we follow the French path of secular development?

In general, it has not yet been confirmed that allowing people to do vices, locking national and religious values inside the house, creating an inclusive (tolerant) environment in society, creating wide opportunities for all vices, and if necessary, supporting it by the state, will lead to the development of society.

However, interdisciplinary studies emphasize that the increase of corruption in the society leads to the derailment of the country's governance, tensions, problems and injustices in the society, and the opportunities and resources in the management of the state and society are spent on solving petty hooliganism rather than economic problems and are not blessed.

The great German thinker Immanuel Kant, one of the founders of the European Renaissance, thought about the development of the state, society and human relations, human happiness, and only believing in the afterlife can save people from evil, vile and destructive deeds, so people must have the concept of the afterlife, the concept of the afterlife. and in order to exist, he puts forward the golden rule that God must exist, which means that God exists.

In fact, the French "secularism", which only cares about this world without thinking about the next world, has shown its true face today. So, what did our people mean by the term "secular state"? Is it French secularism, which completely denies national and religious values, and "leaves the choice to people to enter hell or not," or is it our own secularism, based on our human qualities and morals, which have been formed over the centuries?

Some of the people say: "O Lord, grant us in this world." There is no reward for him in the Hereafter. And some of them say: "O Lord, grant us good in this world and in the Hereafter, and save us from the torment of Hell." For those, there is a reward for what they do. God is quick to calculate. (Surat al-Baqara, verses 200-201).

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