Prominent scholars of the world unanimously issued a fatwa on the obligation to boycott Israeli and American goods.

The fatwa states, among other things:

Contributing to its development by buying American products is prohibited, as is buying Israeli products.

Today, America is the second Israel!

Israel would not have been able to continue its aggression in the region if it were not for the full support and bias of the USA for the Zionist organizations. With the support of America's money, power and "veto", Israel is doing what it wants.

In return, every Muslim who buys Israeli or American products commits an illegal act, a clear sin, and incurs the burden of misfortune in the presence of God and shame among people.

For the past 80 years, Israel has been oppressing the Palestinians, depriving them of their homes, seizing their lands, and exterminating them. These oppressions became more terrible after October 7, 2023. More than 35,000 people, most of them children and women, have died from these events. More than 85 thousand people were injured. Even hospitals where hundreds of patients and thousands of civilians have taken shelter are being bombarded mercilessly by the occupying Israeli forces. Gaza was completely destroyed. The international community could not go beyond condemning this massacre. The United West, led by the United States, openly supports Israel. And the leaders of Muslim countries are watching this horror silently, even calmly.

Taking into account all these matters, we announce these fatwas issued twenty years ago by Sheikh Yusuf Qarzavi, the former chairman of the World Scholars' Union:



Praise be to Allah, blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, his family, companions and those who follow the guidance.

But it's okay. The ruling established by the Qur'an, Sunnah and consensus is that in order to liberate and protect the land of Islam from the invasion of the enemies of Islam, first of all, the people of the occupied country, and then the surrounding Muslims, must wage jihad. If they fail to resist, it becomes obligatory for all Muslims.

So, what if this invaded land of Islam is the first Qibla for Muslims, Isra and Miraj, and the land of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which Allah has blessed around? What if its invaders were the worst enemies of Muslims? What if these invaders are being supported by the most powerful nations on earth today? What if the United States and Jews around the world are the invaders?

Today's Jihad is against those who appropriated our holy land, expelled its people from their homes, shed their blood, destroyed holy places, turned their houses into shrines, destroyed crops, and caused destruction there. This Jihad is obligatory for the Muslim Ummah in the East and the West, and it is the first thing that must be done!

They obey the weakest stratum among Muslims, they are addicted to them. They are a whole community. They are united by the unity of faith, unity of Sharia, unity of qibla, unity of pain and hope.

As Allah Almighty said: "Surely, your community is one community" (Surah Anbiyya, verse 92) ;

"Believers, without a doubt, are brothers and sisters" (Surah Hujurot, verse 10).

In the hadith, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, says: "A Muslim is a brother of a Muslim, he does not oppress him, he does not betray him, and he does not abandon him."

Today, in the holy land of Jerusalem and the blessed land of Palestine, we see our brothers and sisters fighting valiantly and sacrificing their lives in the cause of God, despite the troubles that are befalling them. We Muslims should help them everywhere with all our strength. After all, Allah Almighty commands:

"If they ask you for help in the way of religion, it is your responsibility to help them" (Surah Anfal, verse 72);

"Cooperate in the way of goodness and piety, do not cooperate in the way of sin and excess!" (Surat al-Maida, verse 2) .

Therefore, it is our duty not to harm the goods of our brothers' enemies by buying them. Because it is an aid to sin and enmity, and buying goods from enemies strengthens them.

It is our duty to try to weaken our enemies, just as we must use our brothers in the Holy Land to the best of our ability. If it is possible to weaken the yaw only by boycotting it, then according to the rule that "the work that leads to the complete fulfillment of the obligation is also obligatory", we should strictly observe the boycott.

Our Ummah - Islamic Ummah: "No to America!" it's time to say

Contributing to its development by buying American products is prohibited, as is buying Israeli products.

Today, America is the second Israel!

Israel would not have been able to continue its aggression in the region if it were not for the full support and bias of the USA for the Zionist organizations. With the support of America's money, power and "veto", Israel is doing what it wants.

America has been doing this for decades. He did not receive any countermeasures or punishment from the Islamic world as a protest against his unfair and biased attitude.

Our Muslim Ummah says "No to America, its companies and its goods!" it's time to say The situation is that they have taken over our markets. We are already used to consuming American products.

Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "Three things are your enemies: your enemy, your enemy's friend, and your friend's enemy." Today, America is the main friend of our enemy.

Today, the number of the Islamic community in the whole world exceeds one and a half billion. By boycotting, they could cause enormous damage to America and its companies. In this situation, this is what their religion has commanded Muslims and what their Lord has made obligatory.

In return, every Muslim who buys Israeli or American products commits an illegal act, a clear sin, and incurs the burden of misfortune in the presence of God and shame among people.

Muslim brothers living in Israel or America are forced to deal with them and buy their products. Allah does not burden anyone with more than he can bear, and necessary situations have their own judgments. But even in this case, one should not buy more than the level of satisfying the most necessary needs.

Allah the Almighty warns: " So fear Allah as much as you can " (Surah Taghobun, verse 16) .

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "If I command you to do something, do it to the best of your ability."

Muslims in the United States should deal with companies that are less hostile to them and less pro-Zionist, and boycott pro-Zionist companies whenever possible.

Likewise, Arabs and Muslims, wherever they are, Zionist-owned and Israel-supporting Marks & Spicer and similar firms and companies; It is necessary to sever ties with any country that supports Israel.

Boycotts have been, and are, an effective weapon of war. The polytheists used it against the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his companions in the period before the Hijra. This hurt them so much that they even ate the leaves of the tree.

Some Companions used this method in the fight against polytheists after Hijrah. As narrated in the biographical books, Sumama bin Usal Hanafi accepted Islam and then went to Makkah to perform Umrah. "Have you renounced your religion?" they asked. "No, but I followed the religion of Muhammad, which is the best religion. "I swear by Allah that not a single grain will reach you from Yamama until the Messenger of Allah gives permission," he said. When he went to Yamama, he forbade people from taking anything to Makkah. Then the polytheists of Makkah wrote a letter to Rasulullah. The Messenger of God, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, wrote a reply and ordered to restore relations.

Even in modern times, we can see that peoples have effectively used the weapon of boycott in their struggle for freedom from the colonialists. For example, one of the most prominent figures in this regard was Mahatma Gandhi, who called on the Indian people to boycott British goods, which had a significant positive impact on the liberation war.

Boycott is a weapon in the hands of ordinary people. Let us use this weapon in the fight against the enemies of our religion and ummah, so that our brothers feel that we are alive, that this ummah has not died and, inshallah, it will not die.

There are also other goals of the boycott besides the economic one. At the same time, it is a new way of education for the nation to get rid of its dependence on things that are not useful to itself, but rather harmful, and to be freed from slavery to the taste of others.

The boycott is a statement of the unity of the Nation of Islam, that we will not betray our brothers and sisters who sacrifice themselves every day, and that we will not contribute to the benefit of their enemies.

Boycott is a principle of negative resistance added to the positive resistance movement carried out by our brothers in the land of prophets, ribat and jihad.

If every Jew on Earth sees himself as a soldier who supports and protects Israel as much as he can, then every Muslim on Earth knows that he is a soldier who helps free Aqsa and its people with his life and goods as much as he can, at least by boycotting the goods of the enemies. it is necessary.

Allah Almighty warns in Surah Anfal: "Those who disbelieve are friends to each other, if you do not do this, there will be strife and great corruption on earth" (verse 73) .

If the consumer's purchase of Jewish and American goods is haram and a great sin, the merchants who buy them for profit and those who employ them as agents in their companies are more haram and themselves more sinful.

It is required that the Islamic Ummah throughout the earth prove its existence, its zeal for its holy shrines, and know the benefit or harm from its friend and enemy. It is not permissible to give in to helplessness and despair and accept the injustice imposed by forced Zionism. Allah Almighty says in Surah Muhammad: "So do not come empty-handed and do not call for reconciliation while you are superior. God is with you and will not diminish any of your deeds" (verse 35) .

In this matter, the role of our sisters and daughters who are housewives is greater, perhaps even more important than the role of men. Because women are the ones who supervise the household work and buy the necessary products and equipment.

They have the most important position in guiding the boys and girls, instilling in them the Jihadi spirit, and telling them what to do against their people and their problems, against their enemies, especially in the field of boycott.

When children are aware of this, they follow it with enthusiasm and energy, and later become leaders.

In this place, we call on all those who believe in God Almighty, Christians and others, those who respect all moral values, all free and honorable people in the world to stand by us, to support the truth against falsehood, justice against injustice, to help the oppressed, to support the gallows that God has sanctified, to those who are killed every day. , we call for the protection of disabled women and children.

We also call on the people of the Arab and Muslim countries and the whole world to support the Palestinians in their righteous cause, to protest against their enemies, and to express their protest against the cruel subversions that expose their interests.

"Say: " Do what you want. Therefore, Allah, His Messenger and the believers, see what you do, and soon you will be returned to the One who knows the unseen (i.e. all that is hidden and revealed). So He will inform you of your past deeds" (Surah Tawba, verse 105).

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