Iran announced that it struck several targets in Iraq and Syria, including the "Israeli espionage center" in Erbil .

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced that it launched ballistic missile attacks on the headquarters of Israel's foreign intelligence service "Mossad" in Erbil, the administrative center of the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Administration.

"As part of the ballistic missile attacks on the headquarters of terrorist groups and spies in the region, Iran also hit the headquarters of Israel's foreign intelligence agency Mossad in Erbil with ballistic missiles," the report said.

The attack was said to be in response to Israel's killing of IRGC commanders and commanders of Iranian-backed rebel groups.

The IRGC also attacked the objects belonging to the ISIS terrorist organization in Syria with ballistic missiles.

It is noted that the attacks were a response to the terrorist attack organized by ISIS in the Iranian city of Kirman with the participation of a suicide terrorist, the attack on the security forces in the city of Rask, and the killing of one of the commanders of the IRGC, Syed Razi Mousavi, in Syria.

Earlier, it was reported that rocket and drone attacks were carried out on a number of areas of Erbil. Local media reported that the explosions occurred in the areas of the US Consulate General in Erbil, the base of the international coalition against ISIS located near the Erbil International Airport, as well as in other places of the city.

It was reported that the US consulate in Elbil was completely destroyed.

As a result of the attacks, 4 people were killed and 6 people were injured. In particular, Peshrav Dzeyi, a Kurdish businessman with close ties to Mossad, was killed as a result of an IRK attack. According to media reports, 4 cruise missiles hit his house.

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