Israel's massacre of civilians waiting for humanitarian aid in Gaza is causing tension around the world. The UN called this incident "horror", the US called it a "serious incident", while Israel accused the people who were detained for humanitarian aid of quarreling with each other and robbing a truck - relations.

Yesterday, at least 104 people were killed and 760 injured as a result of an Israeli attack on Palestinians waiting for humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip. The incident is causing sharp protests all over the world, various international organizations and governments are expressing their reactions. Azon Global has put some of them together.


The Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) Antonio Guterres condemned the attack that killed more than 100 civilians who were waiting for help from the Israelis in the Gaza Strip, and noted that the number of victims in Gaza exceeded 30,000, more than 70,000 were injured and he was "horrified" by the number of unknown people trapped under the rubble.

Guterres noted the need to open channels for the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to all areas of Gaza.

Martin Griffiths, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Coordinator, wrote: "I am shocked to learn that hundreds of people have been killed and injured today during the delivery of humanitarian aid to the western part of Gaza."

"After almost five months of brutal military operations, Gaza still manages to shake us," the diplomat said, adding that life in Gaza is dying at an alarming rate.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Jagan Chapagain, Secretary General of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), expressed his grief over the Israeli attack in Gaza and the loss of more than 100 lives of civilians waiting for help.

Chapagain X took to social media to express his deep sadness at the news of the tragic incident that claimed more than 100 lives and left hundreds injured. "This is a reminder of the plight of civilians. There is no safe place in Gaza and nowhere else to run to,” he wrote.

The Secretary-General called on all parties to urgently fulfill their obligations under international humanitarian law and protect civilians: "The need for durable peace and stability has never been stronger than now."

European Union

Representative of the European Union Foreign Office:

"I was horrified to hear the news of yet another massacre of civilians in need of aid in Gaza.

Depriving people of food aid is a serious violation of international humanitarian law.

Humanitarian aid must be allowed to enter Gaza unhindered."

Amnesty International

An investigation must be launched into the horrific reports that dozens of Palestinians have been killed and injured trying to get aid in the Gaza Strip.

Israel violates international law and international court decisions to prevent the genocide of Palestinians.

Ben-Gvir's calls to "cut off aid" because it endangers Israeli soldiers are outrageous and inhumane.


The spokesman of the White House National Security Council gave a written answer to the question of the reporter of "Anadolu" agency about the civilians who were killed by the Israeli forces while waiting for humanitarian aid in Gaza.

"This is a serious incident and we will look into all the details. We mourn the loss of innocent lives and recognize the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza where innocent Palestinians are struggling to provide for their families. This situation reaffirms the importance of maintaining and expanding the flow of humanitarian aid to Gaza, including a temporary ceasefire," the White House said in a statement.


French President Emmanuel Macron said: "We are deeply angered by the targeting of civilians by Israeli soldiers in Gaza. I strongly condemn these shootings and call for respect for truth, justice and international law."


Cairo has condemned the Israeli military's shooting of people queuing for humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip. This is stated in the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country.

The ministry called the incident a "shameful and unnatural fact."

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that such actions are a clear violation of international law and humanitarian values and UN Security Council resolutions.

Egypt called on the international community to put pressure on Israel to fulfill its obligations to protect civilians in the Gaza Strip and comply with international law.


Colombian President Gustav Petro said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is personally responsible for the killing of Gazans.

"Netanyahu killed more than 100 Palestinians who were begging for food. It's called genocide, and it's like the Holocaust, even if the world powers don't want to admit it," he wrote on his social media blog X.

Petro added that Colombia is suspending all arms purchases from Israel.


Sources in the Israeli security forces explained to the reporter of "Anadolu" the incident related to the shooting of the queue for humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip.

According to an Israeli source, soldiers passing by trucks carrying humanitarian aid saw people approaching them from the mob surrounding the trucks as a threat. The sources admitted that Israeli soldiers responded by opening fire.

The interlocutors of the agency said that the incident is currently being investigated.

According to a statement from the Israeli army, "Gazanians surrounded the trucks and began looting aid supplies, and some were injured in the ensuing stampede and stampede."

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