A new "doomsday plane" was ordered for 13 billion dollars for the top military leadership of the USA . From the Boeing E-4 Nightwatch aircraft, the US command can communicate with strategic and non-strategic weapons.

The US Air Force has signed a $13 billion contract to replace the Boeing E-4 Nightwatch, known as the "Doomsday Plane," TASS reports, citing Reuters.

According to the agency, the aircraft manufacturing company Sierra Nevada Corporation won the tender. This company produces attack and reconnaissance aircraft such as the A-29 Super Tucano and the RAPCON-X.

The weapons system of the new "doomsday plane" will consist of a commercial jet that has been enhanced and modernized to meet military requirements. The project is scheduled to be completed in 2036. The Airborne Operations Command Center operates in Colorado, Nevada and Ohio.

The Boeing E-4 Nightwatch , considered the old "doomsday plane", can fly in the sky for up to a week if it runs out of fuel in mid-air. All equipment on board is protected from the harmful factors of a nuclear explosion. With this aircraft, the US command can communicate with strategic and non-strategic weapons. The E-4 Nightwatch is a modernized version of the Boeing 747-200 from the 1970s and is expected to be obsolete by the 2030s.

Currently, the US Air Force has four such aircraft. They are available to the Secretary of Defense and other senior military officials, but may also be used by the White House. One of the aircraft is kept on constant alert in case of emergencies, especially in the event of the use of nuclear weapons by the enemy.

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