In response to the attack on its base, the US launched airstrikes against targets in Iraq and Syria belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and its affiliated paramilitary groups.

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced on January 28 that in response to an attack on an American base on the Syrian-Jordanian border, it carried out airstrikes against targets belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and affiliated militia groups in Iraq and Syria.

CENTCOM said in a written statement that at least 85 targets in Syria and Iraq belonging to the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and its affiliated militias were attacked.

In the statement, it was reported that long-range bombers flying from the United States also participated in the attacks, and more than 125 guided bombs were used, as well as strikes on command and control centers, missiles and drones .

It should be noted that on January 28, an attack was carried out by groups supported by Iran on the US military base on the border between Jordan and Syria, as a result of which 3 American servicemen were killed and more than 30 people were injured. US President Joe Biden announced that "the United States will respond to these attacks at any time and in any place."

Hashd al-Shaabi weapons depot in Iraq was hit

It was reported that the US has hit the weapons warehouse of the Hashd al-Shabi Shia militant group in western Iraq. According to the "Telegram" channel of the Nujeba movement , a Shia military force supported by Iran, in the Akkashat area of Anbar province in the west of Iraq, the weapons depot of the Hashd al-Shabi Shia group was attacked by the United States. No casualties or injuries were reported as a result of the attack.

Images of this attack were distributed on social networks.

In turn, the military spokesman of the Prime Minister of Iraq, General Yahya Rasul, in a written statement , condemned the attack by US aircraft on the territories of Anbar province .

"These attacks happened at a time when Iraq was trying to give guarantees. It is a violation of Iraqi sovereignty and undermines the efforts of the Iraqi government , " he said.

R a sul pointed out that these US attacks are a threat that will bring unwanted consequences to Iraq and the region, and noted that the consequences of the attack will be terrible for the security and stability of Iraq and the region.

Earlier, we reported that US bases in Syria were attacked at least 83 times in the last month. In particular, Koniko gas plant and Umar oil field in Deir ez-Zor, Seddadi, Himo and Harab Jir bases in Hasaka, as well as At-Tanf base in Homs became targets of attacks.

Drone attack on US base in Jordan: background and statements

The US plans to respond to an attack on an American base "in several levels and stages".

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