In the United States , a person named Bert James Baker attacked American Muslims returning from a demonstration in support of Palestine with a knife and injured one of them. The Council on American-Islamic Relations called for hate crime charges against him.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has called on US law enforcement agencies to file hate crime charges against Burt James Baker, who attacked young American Muslims returning from a pro-Palestine protest in Austin, Texas.

IslamNews, referring to the Middle East Monitor website, reported that on February 4, when four American Muslims were returning home from a pro-Palestine rally, Baker tried to take from them a Palestinian Kufia headdress and a flag with the inscription "Freedom for Palestine" .

According to the victims, Baker yelled obscenities and then physically assaulted the occupants of the car. During the attack, he pulled out a knife and stabbed one of the boys in the chest and broke his ribs. The life of the young Muslim man who was hospitalized with a wound in the throat is not in danger at the moment .

"We strongly condemn this blatant act of hatred. No one should be targeted for having Palestinian items in their car. Anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia have no place in Texas or anywhere in the country, " he said in Dallas . CAIR Director Mustafa Carroll.

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