Unilever's Algida brand, which is at the top of the list of boycotted brands, began to present itself as a "Turkish ice cream brand" by advertising on Google.

Yeni Safak newspaper writes that Algida, under the control of Zionist Israel, which continues genocidal attacks against Palestinians, tried to carry out a dirty operation in Turkey.

Unilever's Algida brand, which is at the top of the list of boycotted brands, began to present itself as a "Turkish ice cream brand" by advertising on Google. Algida managers acted in this way to avoid a boycott of the company by local residents.

If you search for "Algida" in the Google search engine (in Turkey), the first link to the company's website will appear. In it:

"Turkish ice cream brand. Locally produced ice cream...

The brand of ice cream that brings happiness with the taste of Turkey" can be read.

The movement to boycott Zionist brands comes in the wake of the genocidal attacks on Palestinians by the terrorist state of Israel since October 7, 2023.

Unilever tops the list of boycotted brands accepted by all communities supporting the Gaza Strip in Turkey and around the world.

According to a Boykoturunleri source, Unilever Algida has production facilities in the occupied Palestinian territories. In addition, he donated at least 10 million dollars to various Israeli organizations in 2022 alone. He is also a partner of Strauss Group, which supplies products to Israeli military units.

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