Sheikh Muhammad Sadiq Muhammad Yusuf Complex

What is the difference between taroveh, witr and tahajjud, when are they recited, is the qaza of witr recited, can tahajjud be recited in congregation? General information about Taraweeh, Witr and Tahajjud prayers.

1) The reading of Tahajjud was instructed by Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur'an (Surah Muzzammil, verses 2-3). Taroweh was recommended by our Prophet in his hadiths (Bukhari, 1/37 and 3/2007).

2) Reciting Tahajjud was included in the Shariah during the beginning of Islam (with the Meccan surahs) in Mecca, and taraweh was included in the Shariah in Madinah during the last years of the Prophet's life.

3) Voluntary nafl prayer, which is recited after sleeping on the night of Tahajjud until dawn (Tabarani, 3/3216). Tahajjud is recited for twelve months of the year, that is, every day. Its minimum is 2 rak'ats and its maximum is 12 rak'ats. Tahajjud is preferred to be recited at the end of the night and after it is recited, Sahar is eaten.

4) Taroveh is recited only in Ramadan, for one month. It is a sunnah prayer that is recited after the night before going to sleep. The minimum of taroweeh is 8 rak'ats, the maximum is 40 rak'ats, and the average is 20 rak'ats. It is preferable to recite taroveh at the beginning of the night and go to bed after reading it.

5) Tahajjud was made mandatory by Allah from the beginning, then it was Sunnah Nafl for Muslims, and it was obligatory for the Prophet, and then it was made obligatory (Surah Muzzammil, verse 20; Surah Isra, verse 79).

6) From the beginning, our Prophet, peace be upon him, voluntarily started taraweh as an absolute pleasure for himself, and it was left as a common and sufficient sunnah for his ummah (Nasa'i, 4/2210; Ibn Majah, 1/1238).

7) Tahajjud is recited individually by everyone, it is not recited in congregation, reciting it in congregation is bid'ah and makruh. Taraweh is recited in congregation first, and it is preferable and more meritorious to recite it in congregation.

The difference between V itr and Tahajjud

1) Witr is the prayer of night, it is not the prayer of Tahajjud (Tirmidhi, 1/452). It was added to Khuftan, not Tahajjud. Khufton consists of 4 rak'ats of Farz, 2 rak'ats of Sunnah and 3 rak'ats of witr.

2) The reading of Tahajjud was instructed by Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur'an (Surah Muzzammil, verses 2-3). The Prophet (peace be upon him) recommended Witr in his hadiths (Tirmidhi, 1/453).

3) Witr is an obligatory prayer (Abu Dawud, 1419), and tahajjud is a nafl prayer (Surah Isra, verse 79). Witr is an obligatory prayer, Tahajjud is an optional prayer. That is, if he does not recite Witr, he is a sinner, and if he does not recite Tahajjud, he is not a sinner.

4) If one does not recite Witr, it is recited until dawn, even after Tahajjud. If one did not read witr until dawn, it is obligatory to read its qaza (Tirmizi, 1/466; Ibn Moja, 1/1188). And if he does not read Tahajjud, his qaza will not be read at all.

5) It is better to read Vitr at night before going to sleep. Because our Prophet, peace be upon him, bequeathed it (Bukhari, 3/1981; Muslim, 1/721). Tahajjud is recited after sleeping until dawn (Tabarani, 3/3216).

6) Witr is not recited twice in one night (Tirmidhi, 1/470; Abu Dawud, 1/1439). Tahajjud can be read as many times as you want in one night.

7) Witr prayer is performed alone, not in congregation, except during Ramadan. In Ramadan, it is read as a congregation. Tahajjud is always recited in Ramadan and at other times alone, never in congregation.

Hamidullah Beruni

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