You are "Unhappy!" you said I was surprised. It is true that everyone has their own trials and difficulties. But the work that was considered a great calamity and based on misfortune was one of the usual trials from God, which, if you have a little patience, will surely bring light. I couldn't comfort you with words, but I wanted you to answer the following questions and understand that you are among the lucky ones, to awaken feelings of peace and gratitude.
So the first question is: Have you ever lost a member?
If your answer is "no", how lucky you are! Because you can see, hear, smell, walk, speak... Thank God for these blessings!
If your answer is yes...don't despair. Because God loves you to be patient, He wants you to pass the test successfully. You are happy! Do you know why? Because you can highly appreciate the blessings of God in existence, you don't have these opportunities, how many people are wasting them...
Second question: Are you living peacefully?
Is your answer yes? How can you say I'm unhappy? Look at your peaceful country. When you go outside, you walk without fear, there are no gunshots, no roar of tanks. Will a person who lives peacefully in his homeland be unhappy?!
Question Three: Do you have enough food to live on?
If your answer is yes, then rejoice. Because how many people are dying of hunger on earth every day. Feel your happiness, if you get it, help those in need. May God continue this blessing for you and us.
It's surprising if your answer is no. If you say that you will earn a living by working, no one will stand in your way, all you need is effort! You have to trust in God.
Fourth question: Are you learning?
If your answer is yes, then you are lucky! Science initiates you to perfection. Remember that there are many people who do not have this blessing, and strive to benefit society with the knowledge you have acquired.
If your answer is no, then there are certain reasons. But this is not a reason to be sad. Because life itself is a big school. You are lucky to be studying at this school. Because you won't find the lessons here anywhere else.
Fifth question: Do you have modern equipment?
How good it is if you say "yes"! Because if you have a computer, you can collect the necessary information with its help. You will find news from the whole world through your TV. If you have a car and a phone, your distance will be close and your weight will be light.
If you say no, for whatever reason, it's a good sign for you. Because there are many people who use such devices for sinful activities, and you are lucky that you are not one of them.
The sixth question: Do you have a family, do you have children?
After all, their existence is a great happiness. What more do you want? Many people envy this gift, as if it is natural for you to have it. There are people around you who tear up when they hear the word "mother" or "father"...
If you answered no to this question, don't worry. Easy to say? Not so, because you are neither the first nor the last to suffer this calamity. After all, "Every soul tastes the (bitterness) of death" (Ali Imran, 185). Don't read, don't forget that there is happiness in heaven with your loved ones!
Remember one thing - everything is a blessing to the thankful, everything is a disaster to the unthinking.
Ruqiya Idrisali's daughter