The General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (GNTA) adopted a draft law approving the ratification of the protocol on Sweden's accession to NATO. 287 out of 346 deputies voted to ratify the protocol on Sweden's accession to NATO.

The General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (GNTA) has adopted a draft law approving the ratification of the protocol on Sweden's accession to NATO, Anadolu reports .

A day ago, the General Assembly of the Parliament discussed the draft law approving the ratification of the protocol on the accession of Sweden to the North Atlantic Treaty (NATO).

287 of the 346 deputies who took part in the voting approved this draft law. 55 deputies voted "against", 4 deputies "abstained".

Now the President of the country, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has to sign the document.

Thus, Hungary became the last country that did not ratify Sweden's application for membership in the alliance.

Sweden applied for NATO membership in 2022. Turkey, as a member of the alliance, has set conditions that Stockholm must fulfill in order for Ankara to ratify the membership. At the end of October 2023, Erdoğan presented to the Turkish parliament a set of documents on the ratification of Sweden's entry into NATO.


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