In 2023 , Turkey made 822 billion lira settlements in foreign trade in national currency.

Foreign trade in Turkish lira increased sharply last year compared to the previous year and reached 821 billion 569 million lira (more than 27.6 million dollars). This was reported by the Anadolu Ministry of Trade.

It is noted that in 2023, when the highest export in the history of the country was realized, the volume of trade in Turkish lira also increased sharply.

Exports in Turkish lira increased sharply in October and amounted to 25 billion 311 million lira. Also, in this month, the import reached 62 billion 659 million liras, and the total foreign trade volume reached 87 billion 970 million liras.

In general, last year's export in Turkish lira increased by 73.6 percent compared to the previous year and reached 224 billion 56 million lira. Also, during that period, import reached 597 billion 513 million lira. The volume of foreign trade with Turkish lira increased from 398 billion 371 million lira to 821 billion 569 million lira last year .

Earlier, the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, announced that in 2023, the volume of exports will reach 255 billion 809 million dollars, a record level in the country's history.

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