Secular statehood in Uzbekistan is under threat. Supporters of radical atheism like Eltuz in society and the state pose such a threat. Today, people poisoned by the ideology of the former communist system, influenced by destructive ideas such as Islamophobia, and deceived by foreign ideas such as radical atheism, are destroying peace and harmony in our society. They are trying to incite the Uzbek state and government against the people, and the Uzbek people against the state. Radical atheists are boldly using the principle of "secularism" for their malicious and destructive purposes. They are waiting for the radical "secularization" of Uzbekistan, its transformation into a state without religion, without religion and without conscience, like North Korea.

Today, radical atheism has a direct impact on young people, celebrities and even people working in government agencies who do not know enough about the right of citizenship in Uzbekistan. They are causing tension between the state and the people by misinterpreting the concept of democracy. Today, radical atheists attack the will, lifestyle, culture and values of the Uzbek people with the slogan of "secularism". The worldview, culture, customs, taste and art of the Uzbek society, where 90% of the population is Muslim, are being suppressed under the influence of radical atheists. Violation of constitutional rights of citizens by radical atheists and government officials deceived by their machinations, violation of vital and universal human rights such as appearance, beard, headscarf, conscience, thinking, freedom of conscience, national and religious values. cases such as In fact, none of these inhuman acts are a requirement of living in a "secular state" or within the purview of a "secular state".

Today, under the influence of radical atheism, "secularism" is understood as "opening the way for those who want to enter hell", but not allowing those who want to enter heaven. With the spread of such an ideology among civil servants, the STATE in Uzbekistan, instead of expressing the will of a single people, serving the interests of its single people, is becoming an instrument serving the selfish goals of a group of supporters of radical atheism. Instead of serving the secular needs of the people, the secular state is trying to secularize the people. That is, secular statehood in Uzbekistan is in danger!

Let's see in this article how secular statehood in Uzbekistan is under threat due to the influence of radical atheism.

For this, we will expose the deceptions and threats of Eltuz and members of the radical atheism movement like him. In this way, we have prevented radical atheists from threatening the Uzbek statehood by interpreting the Constitution adopted by the single Uzbek nation in their own interests.

The first deception and threat: Contrasting the Constitution and the will of the Uzbek people.

Proponents of radical atheism are using the concept of "secular state" in the Constitution of Uzbekistan for their selfish political interests, trying to subjugate the will of the single people of Uzbekistan to atheistic ideology by means of deception and mental confusion. Radical atheists active in society, social networks and even serving in state bodies are trying to stifle the national and religious traditions, lifestyle and will of the Uzbek people, 90% of whose population is Muslim, with this interpretation. Against national and religious concepts, he is pushing a constitution against the will of the people, saying that "we live in a secular state, this is what is written in the constitution." Unfortunately, many young people, even intellectuals and officials, are deceived by such deception.

Here we must not forget one thing. This is a very important point. The Constitution is the product of the will of the single people of Uzbekistan. The will of the people of Uzbekistan is not a product of the Constitution. That is, the will of the people determines what the Constitution will be, but the Constitution cannot determine what the people will do.

Today, when the people of Uzbekistan adopted the Constitution, they wanted Uzbekistan to be a "sovereign, democratic, legal, social and secular state with a republican form of government." Tomorrow, as soon as the president accepts this new Constitution, which has zero election periods, he will amend the existing Constitution, if it serves the interests of the single people of Uzbekistan, as our ancestors dreamed of, in the form of the Turkestan Autonomous Region united with, for example, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. it can also be called a federal state. Just as it once wanted to become independent from the USSR. No need to make a tragedy out of it. The will of the Uzbek people determines what the Constitution will be. The Constitution does not define the will of the Uzbek people.

The second deception and threat: Uzbekistan is a secular state. However, this does not mean that Uzbekistan is a country that secularizes its people. In international law, "secularism" and "secularization" are similar but fundamentally different concepts. Radical atheists misinterpret the concept of "secularism" advocated by Uzbekistan as a state that "secularizes" to suit their selfish political goals.

Let's consider the difference between the concepts of "secularism" and "secularization".

"Secularism" is an idea, a system that regulates relations between the state, religion and citizens, and how these relations should be. Secularism includes universal values, sciences, and processes free from the primacy of religious institutions or beliefs. However, secularism does not require the complete exclusion of religion from social and political processes in society. According to the Constitution, Uzbekistan is a secular state, because the Constitution is a document adopted by the will of the people, not under the influence of any religious belief. However, if the will of the Uzbek people is to preserve and follow their religious and national values, such a will of the people can be expressed in secular legislation. A secular state cannot prevent this.

Secularization means the removal of society from religion, the loss of religious factors in the life of the society, the reduction of the religious background in today's Uzbek political language. That is, if the society is moving away from religion, the religious background in it is decreasing, the society is becoming secular, if the state is trying to reduce the religious background in the society, then it is a state that is secularizing the society, not a secular state.

When the single people of Uzbekistan adopted the Constitution, they gave the state the authority to be secular, not the authority to secularize.

As a matter of fact, today Uzbek society is not secularizing, that is, secularizing, but returning from secularization, restoring its religious and national values. That is the reason why radical atheists in the society and the state have their legs cut off from a burnt chicken. The religious background is increasing in the society. The Uzbek people want to live on the basis of religious and national values. He is establishing social relations on this basis. This is normal. The only people of Uzbekistan want to live how they want. In fact, the return from globalization is a process that is happening not only in Uzbekistan, but also in the whole world.

Today, religious values, especially Islamic values, culture and faith are increasing all over the world. The situation in Uzbekistan is only a part of such a global process.

The third deception and threat: Uzbekistan is a secular state, so religion has no place in it.

The constitution is the charter of the concept of "state", which is a sovereign subject of international law. When the people of Uzbekistan created the Constitution, they determined how the state bodies should be and how they would work, and how the relations between the state and the people would be. However, the Constitution is a statute of the state, not a statute of human life and will. More precisely, the population living in the territory of Uzbekistan adopted the Constitution "expressing the will of the people and serving its interests with the aim of ensuring the decent life of citizens, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional harmony, the prosperity and prosperity of our multi-ethnic friendly Uzbekistan" (Introduction) ( Article 2) LIMITS the STATE to have a secular character.

We must know clearly that the fact that Uzbekistan is a secular state is not the limit of the Uzbek people and their will, but the activity of state bodies. Yes! It is the state bodies that are worldly and secular. The state expresses and serves the will of the single people of Uzbekistan only in secular matters. It is against the Constitution for the state to interfere with the will of the Uzbek people in religious matters, to express or influence the religious beliefs of the Uzbek people. Secularism is the limit of the state, not the people. The state of Uzbekistan does not have the authority and obligation to express the will of the Uzbek people related to the hereafter, to serve the interests of the hereafter.

Therefore, today radical atheists with the concept of "Uzbekistan as a secular state" are calling on state authorities to interfere in the affairs of the Uzbek people, 90% of whose population is Muslim, and urging state authorities to limit the study of the religious beliefs, national and religious traditions, and even the rules of tajvid of the Uzbek people. endangering statehood. Radical atheism encourages state bodies to serve its ideology by deception and harsh means. The state of Uzbekistan is a secular state, the people do not allow it to interfere in the affairs of the hereafter. State involvement in religious affairs is illegal and unconstitutional.

However, secularism does not require the complete exclusion of religion from the social and political processes of society. Therefore, in Uzbekistan, which is a secular country, the people can widely practice religion. Already, the people have written this will in the Constitution: "everyone has the right to believe in any religion or not to believe in any religion" (Article 35). Uzbekistan is a secular country, so there should be a wide path to religion.

The fourth deception and threat: Is it good that religious freedom is allowed in Uzbekistan?

This question is also deceptive and a question that endangers secular statehood in Uzbekistan. After all, in the Constitution adopted by the single people of Uzbekistan, "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, speech and belief" (Article 33). Granting the Uzbek people freedom of conscience, belief and religion is not the responsibility of the state, it is the universal, innate, natural and innate right of the people. A secular state is not authorized to "allow" or "suppress" the religious freedom of its people. The Uzbek people did not entrust their religious, conscience and faith matters to the state, but only their worldly matters. If any political force, official or state body commits an act that violates the conscience and religious freedom of the Uzbek people, or takes such authority (decision) to itself, then it will go beyond the limit of "Uzbekistan as a secular state" in the Constitution.

Therefore, the issue of "allowing or not allowing religious freedom in Uzbekistan" by Eltuz and the radical atheists, who wrote an article for him, is an abuse of the concept of "secularism", which is the limit of the authority given to him by the constitution, and is a situation that endangers secular statehood in Uzbekistan. It is they who encourage the state responsible for secular affairs in Uzbekistan, where 90% of the population is Muslim, to oppose the religious will of the people. This situation creates a feeling of hatred for the concept of "secularism" among religious citizens under the influence of radical atheist propaganda. As a result, secular statehood in Uzbekistan remains in real danger.

Radical atheist communities like Eltuz say: "the worst thing is that the government of Uzbekistan does not have any specific plan and program to prevent the religious radicalization of the society. The government of Uzbekistan has lost the position of a secular state on several issues," they want the state to turn from secularism into an instrument serving atheistic beliefs.

The fifth deception and threat: "Not only is the number of those who openly deny secularism, who want to introduce Sharia-based living and turn Uzbekistan into an Islamic state, increasing, but now their demands are becoming more concrete."

In fact, today in Uzbekistan, the number of citizens who openly deny the false "secularism" that Eltuz wants, and in fact radical atheism, is increasing. It is true that the worldview and thinking of the unified nation of Uzbekistan is changing, that it is avoiding atheism and secularization and returning to its national and religious values, in general, the "religious background" is increasing in the will of the unified nation of Uzbekistan. According to the constitution, Uzbekistan, a democratic state, must express the worldly will of its "democ", that is, its people, and serve its worldly interests. This is the demand of democracy! The fact that the will of the single people of Uzbekistan is increasingly based on religious and national values does not in any way threaten secular statehood in Uzbekistan. After all, the only people of Uzbekistan entrusted the state to express their worldly will and serve only their worldly interests.

Even if the population of Uzbekistan becomes "Taliban" to the extent that Eltuz and other radical atheists like him become "Taliban", the task of the state should not be against the will of the people, but to serve their interests. After all, isn't that what democracy is all about?

In fact, conflicts in Uzbekistan are not between the state and religious people, but between radical atheists and Muslims, who make up 90 percent of the population. Unfortunately, radical atheists stubbornly try to interpret the concept of the state and "secularism" in the way of their atheistic ideology. As a result, an inappropriate negative attitude towards the concept of pure secularism is forming among religious people. It is precisely because of the actions of radical atheists that the secular statehood in Uzbekistan is threatened. Radical atheists misinterpret the concept of "secular state" in the Constitution of Uzbekistan as "secularizing state". We must protect the concept of "secular state" from the false "secularizing state" interpretation of radical atheists.

We must protect the state of Uzbekistan from radical atheism, prevent radical atheists from society and government agencies from misinterpreting the concept of "secularism", and promote the interpretation of the concept of "secular state" in the way the people want. After all, the secular state of Uzbekistan should express the secular will of its only population and serve its secular interests. It is necessary to avoid falling under the influence of radical atheists, who call the state to go against the conscience of the Uzbek people, and incite the people and the state against each other.

We have established a state with the aim of "ensuring citizens to live a decent life, inter-ethnic and inter-confessional harmony, prosperity and prosperity of our multi-ethnic congenial Uzbekistan" and we want the state to serve the people for this very purpose.

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