Nigeria, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia and Indonesia are advising their citizens in the UK to take precautions, warning against traveling to crowded areas and amid nationwide unrest and attacks against "Muslims or people of colour".

"Avoid political marches and demonstrations, rallies or marches, avoid crowded places and large groups of people, and always be alert and cautious," Nigeria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday. The UAE and Malaysian foreign ministries also advised citizens to "take necessary precautions" and "avoid political marches and protests."

It should be noted that after three girls were killed in a knife attack in Southport last Monday, violence and anti-Muslim pogroms have escalated in British cities and towns during the week. Immediately after the tragedy, far-right media spread false reports that the attacker believed in Islam and was living in the country illegally. A number of far-right publications even coined the Islamic name "Ali Al-Shakati" for the 17-year-old suspect.

Earlier, it was reported that six members of the "English Self-Reformation League", which the British government considers to be the main organizers of the riots, were arrested.

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