Indian airline IndiGo is the first in the world to provide female passengers with the opportunity to choose seats separately from male passengers. Now, during online check-in, travelers will be able to see the gender of the passengers sitting next to them and, if they wish, choose seats next to other women.

Indian airline IndiGo became the first in the world to allow female passengers to select seats separately from male passengers. The Independent writes about it.

Starting in August this year, the airline's new rules will come into force, its aim is to help women feel comfortable during flights.

Now, during online check-in, travelers will be able to see the gender of the passengers sitting next to them and, if they wish, choose seats next to other women - they will be marked in pink.

However, this information will not be available for men: only available seats will be shown for them as usual.

India's largest low-cost airline operates over 2,000 domestic and international flights daily. According to the publication, the idea for this policy change came after an Indian airline conducted a survey asking female passengers what would make their journey more comfortable.

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