In occupied Jerusalem, fanatical Jewish settlers frequently attack Christian priests. The Israeli government is accused of not taking seriously the question of punishing the attackers.

Munib Yunan, former bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and Jerusalem , said that attacks by fanatical Jews against Christian clerics in occupied Jerusalem have increased and that the Israeli government is " not serious " about punishing the attackers.

In his statement to Anadolu Agency, former bishop Munib Yunan drew attention to the increase in attacks on Christian clerics and holy places.

"If the attacks are not responded to, they will continue. Punishing one of them will be a hindrance ," he said.

In particular, the Greek Catholic Church condemned the attack on Ni Kodim Schnabel, abbot of the Benedictine order in the Holy Land, who noted the recent arrest of fanatical Jews in connection with the incident.

The bishop noted that the attackers were placed under house arrest and that the punishment was not a deterrent, asking, "Is it punishment?" raised the question.

"The ongoing attacks are evidence of incitement in Jewish religious schools, " he said, adding that Israeli police do not take complaints seriously.

What happened?

In occupied East Jerusalem a few days ago, two fanatical Jews spat and insulted Archpriest Nicodemus Schnabel. Israeli police arrested two fanatical Jewish teenagers, one of them 17 years old, for spitting at the high priest.

Earlier, in October last year, some fanatical Jews gathered in East Jerusalem for Sukkot ( Jewish holiday) spat on the ground in front of the historic Christian Church in the Old City.

In recent years, attacks by Jewish settlers on Christians, religious figures and holy sites in East Jerusalem have increased.

Christian groups and clergy accuse the Israeli government of allowing attacks by Jewish settlers to go unpunished.

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