The President of Kyrgyzstan, Sadir Japarov, signed the law "On Accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Convention on the Transfer of Prisoners". The law serves as a basis for prisoners who are citizens of Kyrgyzstan to serve the next term of their sentence in their country.

The President of Kyrgyzstan, Sadir Japarov, signed the law "On Accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Convention on the Transfer of Prisoners".

The document was adopted by Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament) on December 20, 2023.

The law envisages the creation of a legal basis between Kyrgyzstan and the member states of the Council of Europe and other countries that have joined the Convention in the field of transfer of prisoners to serve the next sentence in their country.

The purpose of the convention is to develop international cooperation in the field of criminal law.

The law will enter into force ten days after its official announcement.

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