Ersin Tatar

President of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus Ersin Tatar, who participated in the summit of the Organization of Turkic States for the first time, said that if the "Cypriot Peace Movement" had not been implemented in 1974, the military junta had completely eliminated the Muslims from the island, and today there would be no Turks living there.

The President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Ersin Tatar, who participated in the summit of the Organization of Turkish States for the first time, said that if the "Cypriot peace movement" had not been implemented by Turkey and the Turkish Republic of Cyprus (TRC), the military junta had completely destroyed the Muslims from the island, and Turks would not be living there today. He spoke about this in an interview with Azerbaijan's ARB24 TV channel.

The President drew attention to the fact that the 1974 Peace Operation was a historic step for the survival of Muslims on the island of Cyprus. Also, during the interview with the Azerbaijani journalist, he expressed the following important points:

- Turks would not live on the island of Cyprus today if the "Cypriot movement" had not been implemented. The timely action thwarted the malicious goals of the military junta, such as the unification of Cyprus with Greece and the complete elimination of Muslims from the island .

- Arming works in Greek Cypriots is being continued , taking into account that they are spending 350-400 million euros on average, the departure of the Turkish military from the island may create new problems for Muslims. It is important for the Turkish military to stay on the island to ensure peace and tranquility.

- I call on the Armenian community to make an impartial assessment of the situation in Cyprus . After all, there are two separate democratic states and two separate peoples on the island, and their unification may cause further conflicts. Therefore, these two sovereign states should be recognized at the international level .

- Russia has a restrained attitude towards the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus . Relations between the Republic of Turkey and Russia may improve further in the future.

- The participation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as an observer in the TDT is very important for its international recognition.

- Turks may become an ethnic minority in the planned federal state. The most optimal solution to ensure peace in the region is the establishment of two independent states.

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