The Holy Qur'an is the word of God. There were also a number of occult messages from it, and in the next part of our pamphlet dedicated to these occult messages, we will talk about the people of Saba and the broken dam. You can watch the video of the next episode on our website.

" There was a sign (of God's grace) for the people of Saba in their dwellings - gardens on the right and on the left, and (We told them) : "Enjoy the provision of your Lord and be grateful to Him! (We said) (your city) is a pure city, (your Lord) is a forgiving Lord . So when they turned away (from gratitude), We sent upon them the (blocked) flood with a dam (blocked) and We turned their gardens into "gardens" of bitter fruits, brambles and sparse bushes. We punished them with this (punishment) because they disbelieved . Would We punish anyone other than a disbeliever?'' (Sura Saba, verses 15-17) .

The Qur'an talks about the people of Saba and the flood that befell them because of their famine. It tells in detail how the disaster happened. The disaster expressed in the Qur'an as "saylul arim", that is, "arim seli" also means the form of its arrival on the field by its name.

The meaning of the word "Arim" is "dam" or "barrier". "Sailul Arim" means a flood caused by a dam failure.

Now let's talk about how the story of the people of Saba in the Qur'an was confirmed by historians.

The Saba community was one of the four major Hazaras that existed in South Arabia. Historical sources say that this people engaged in commercial activities like the Phoenicians. Words such as "repair", "consecrate", "build" are found in the inscriptions of the rulers. Ma'rib dam, one of the most important monuments of the people, is a manifestation of their high level of technology. With the construction of this structure, the people of Saba achieved a great achievement in terms of irrigation. They lived comfortably because of the control over the fertile soil and trade routes. The area irrigated by this dam in Ma'rib was nine thousand six hundred hectares, five thousand three hundred hectares of which corresponded to the valleys in the south and the rest in the north. They are called "Ma'rib and two valleys" in the inscriptions of Saba. The phrase " gardens on the right and on the left " in the Qur'an may refer to the beautiful gardens in these valleys. In the shadow of this dam, the region became known as the best irrigated and most productive part of Yemen.

The French historian Holevy and the Austrian archaeologist Glaser proved that the Marib Dam existed from ancient times through written documents. Documents written in the Himer dialect state that this dam is the reason for the fertility of the country's soil. The flood caused by its destruction destroyed everywhere. The walls built by the people of Saba to block the middle of the mountains, the canals they dug, were destroyed, and the irrigation system failed. As a result, like a green garden, the land became a place for wild grass, and there was no fruit left except for the cherry-like fruit on the bushy trees.

Also, there were inscriptions written in Saba language on the surface of the pillars belonging to the people. The Christian archaeologist Werner Keller, who studied them, says in his book "The Holy Book was True": "The flood of Arim happened as stated in the Qur'an. Because the fact that such a dam existed and broke down and destroyed the whole city confirms the truth of the parable of the gardeners in the Qur'an."

Here we would like to draw your attention to the following points:

1. The Qur'an stated that the people of Saba lived in the past, historians accepted;

2. The Qur'an mentioned that the people of Saba lived in green fields and gardens, historians confirmed it;

3. The Qur'an mentioned that there was a large dam in this city, historians accepted;

4. The Qur'an said that this dam watered two gardens, and historians also recognized this, saying "Marib and two valleys";

5. The Qur'an mentioned the flood disaster that occurred as a result of the dam failure, historians did not deny it;

6. The Qur'an reported that the garden and flower beds were destroyed after the flood, historians accepted.

These confessions mean that historians have confirmed that the Qur'an is the Book of God by accepting the above scientific truths. After all, it is impossible for an illiterate person to discover and report these things by himself.

Our question is, how do those who say that the Qur'an is the word of a man explain the fact that his messages from the Prophet are true? Can they suppress the booming voice of the Qur'an, which says "I am the Book of God" with the same characteristic, with their voices like the buzzing of flies?


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