The commander of the British Armed Forces, General Roland Walker, emphasized the need to prepare for war in the next three years, to double the combat capability of the British army by 2027. In his opinion, Russia, Iran and China can pose a threat to Britain. "War is not inevitable, but there is enough time to prepare for the conflict and prevent it," said the commander.

The British Army must be ready for war within three years. BBC According to reports , the commander of the armed forces, General Sir Roland Walker, made a statement about this.

He believes that war is not inevitable, but there is " a lot of time" for the military to prepare for and prevent conflict. The commander called doubling the combat capability of the army by 2027 and tripling it by the end of the decade as the basis of the preparation.

Among the main threats Britain will face in the coming years is an "angry" Russia, which may want to take revenge on Western countries for supporting Ukraine, regardless of the outcome of the conflict.

"It doesn't matter how it ends. "I think that Russia will come out of this war weaker, objectively or completely, but still very dangerous and will seek some kind of revenge for our help to Ukraine," said the general.

He also warned that China was aiming to gain control of Taiwan and that Iran was seeking nuclear weapons. According to him, these countries have established business relations, exchanged weapons and technologies.

Walker also called for additional funding from officials to modernize the military and focus on new technologies such as artificial intelligence. According to him, the British army should be able to destroy an enemy three times its size.

According to the latest figures from the UK Ministry of Defence, there are 75,325 men in the regular forces of the British Army. John Healy, the head of the British Department of Defense, described the current state of the armed forces as "devastated".

According to the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Putin is preparing for a full-scale war with NATO in the long term. According to analysts, this is evidenced by the increase in the number of troops, the transition to a military economy, and the reform of Russia's military-administrative division. In particular, the Moscow and Leningrad military districts, capable of concentrating forces in the western direction of the country , were restored.

Earlier, the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, warned that the defeat of Ukraine would lead to war between Russia and NATO and stressed that Putin "will not stop" in trying to "seize the sovereign territory of his neighbors". The army commanders and defense ministers of Britain, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belgium and Estonia also agreed with this opinion.

Putin himself called such statements "nonsense". "This is just a word to justify the wrong policy in the direction of Russia," he said, noting that Russia has "no basis and interest" in the fight against NATO.

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