The death of Abu Lahab as a disbeliever

" May the hands of Abu Lahab wither (perish) !" He died. He did not lose his possessions and what he earned . Soon (he) will burn in the flaming fire. Also his wife who carries firewood. There will also be a well-woven rope around his neck." (Surah Masad, verses 1-5 ) .

His real name was Abduluzzo, the Holy Qur'an gave him the name Abu Lahab, which means "Father of the Blazing Fire". His wife Umm Jamil collected thorny branches every night, tied them around her neck, and scattered them on the roads where the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was walking.

Much has been written about the cruel oppression of these two to Muslims. Therefore, we will talk below about the message given from the unseen in this surah and its correctness.

Surah Masad foretold that Abu Lahab and his wife would die as polytheists, and so it happened. And this is to report from the unseen. An ordinary person does not know the unseen, the future, and cannot determine the fate of someone. As such, the Qur'an is the word of God, which tells about the future.

Now let's take a closer look at this argument. The Holy Qur'an says that Abu Lahab and his wife will die without faith and go to hell. How would a denier who does not accept that the Qur'an is the book of Allah answer these questions:

1. Abu Lahab died seven years after the revelation of Surah Masad. That is, the verses of this sura were not revealed when Abu Lahab was on his deathbed. Bil'aks described its consequences after seven years. If the Qur'an is not the book of Allah, how did the common man know that Abu Lahab would die as a disbeliever?

2. People who were hostile to Islam at the beginning became Muslims one by one and pledged allegiance to the Prophet. Among them were Khalid ibn Walid, Abu Sufyan, Amr ibn As, who fought with the believers, Hazrat Vahshi, who killed Hazrat Hamza, and Hazrat Hind, who ripped out Hazrat Hamza's heart. All of them repented and took a place among the people who are remembered with the status of "Hazrat" and "Sahaba". Abu Lahab and Umm Jamil naturally did not have such an opportunity. However, in the language of the Qur'an, it was announced that the couple would die in disbelief. I wonder, if Hazrat Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, is not the Prophet of God and the Qur'an is not the Book of God, how did he know the ugly end of Abu Lahab and his wife?

3. A wise person does not make a claim on a matter that exposes him to a liar. When the topic is about the unseen, he does not even open his mouth. Think about it, the Holy Qur'an says: "Abu Lahab and his wife will go without faith." If one of these two says: "I repented, I became a Muslim", then the message of the Qur'an is a lie. Even if they hypocritically said, "We have believed," the integrity of the Qur'an and the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, would be damaged. In other words, if they claim to be Muslims when the Qur'an says that they will die as infidels, how would you interpret this message of the Qur'an? In such a serious situation, the Qur'an said that Abu Lahab and his wife would die in disbelief, and this message became true seven years later. If the Qur'an was not the word of God, but a book made by man, would that person have made such a claim, knowing that the lie would be exposed? Of course not! so, how do you explain this message and its confirmation other than that the Qur'an is the Book of God?

The Qur'an said, "He will die as an infidel" and in seven years it came true. Despite his fierce hostility, he can't say, even if it's just, "I believe." Even if it is a lie, he cannot pronounce the word faith. Knowing this only and only comes from being aware of time and space simultaneously, and this quality is unique to none other than God Almighty.

In the verses, it is said that Abu Lahab and his wife will die as polytheists, and we cite the fact that this happened as proof that the Qur'an is the word of Allah, who knows the unseen best.

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