Hello, good people. December came and the temperature started to cool down. It rained last night and it melted. At this moment, it is 3 in the morning, Tashkent is covered in white snow...
They say snow white, they say purity, good luck. May it be a sign of goodness and purity, may it be God's mercy, may it be a reason for abundance.
Now when it comes to mind, this is also... There is a prayer taught by our beloved prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace: "O Allah, wash away our mistakes with water, snow and hail. Cleanse our hearts from mistakes as white clothes are cleaned from dirt. Just as you distanced the East from the Maghrib, distance between us and our mistakes .
I wish, I wish... If this falling snow falls on the whole world, covers everything.... If it affects, softens, cleanses, melts the hearts of everyone, regardless of nationality, race, religion, social origin and worldview..
May God, in harmony with the meaning of the prayer, wash away the mistakes of mankind with water, snow and hail... Then, just like white clothes are washed from dirt, our hearts will also be cleansed of mistakes... Just as the East and the Maghrib are separated, so are our mistakes, sins, crimes, rebellions, and misdeeds with people. , distance between our oppressions...
The same snowflakes, the same purity, the same purity will fall on the hearts of those who bomb the weak, the elderly, women, and children, and commit crimes against humanity, and commit atrocities that the world has not seen in the last hundred years...
These snows also fall on the hearts of the animalistic, hardened, cold-hearted, human-like tyrants who kill hundreds of innocent, innocent, weak and defenseless people every day with the help of airplanes, tanks and machine guns, dismember them, soak their hands in blood...
If the creatures who have killed and executed more than eighteen thousand people and continue their evil and murderous acts will have their fill of blood and life, my God...
Humanity has never been so powerless to stop oppression, cruelty, injustice, evil, open murders...
This land of Kurrai, which has seen so many wars and destructions in its history, this Mother Earth, has not been so shaken, and the sky has not mourned this much, my God...
I didn't have the heart to turn on the TV, to access social networks, I didn't have tears in my eyes to watch, my God...
Let it stop, these woes, these hair-whitening scenes, let them stop...
Fathers holding their little daughter who died because of their helplessness, helpless, their loved ones lying in white shrouds in a row, and mothers fainting from crying over their children...
Have you seen a man writing the most beautiful words to his deceased wife on her coffin? What about the father holding the body of his little girl in his arms and talking to her lifeless body? After the explosions, after the rubble, have you seen the fathers, who were carrying the body parts and limbs of their loved ones who were dismembered in a bag, and who were almost fainted from horror?
People, doctors, volunteers, who are performing funerals for dozens of corpses loaded on trucks... Oh God, show even a little bit of justice and mercy to the hearts of these oppressors... Please, I beg you, Lord...
When did this cursed, wretched people manage to harden so many stones? Are these people too? How did the husband carry these things? How did we breathe the same air with them???..
Man is suffocating...
Oh God, with your snow and water, cleanse this world from vices, sins, uncleanness, and lies, I beg you...
You are the Lord of this world, they are not...
This world is in your hands, not them...
Senku Jabbar, Senku Qahhor, Senku Muntaqim and Muzil...
You are a witness to every work, you are aware, you are good, you are good, my Lord...
The initiative and management of the world is Yours, Lord, not in them!
Have mercy on us, don't show us our cowardice, weakness, laziness, we are ashamed, ashamed, embarrassed before you, Lord...
Sami You are the One, Basir You are the One, hear our requests, prayers, laments, and supplications, O God!
Who are we? Listen to the oppressed, the children who are trembling with fear, the wounded who are covered in blood, the helpless, your servants whose houses have been destroyed in the cold, whose food, drink, and most importantly, peace and comfort are left, O Lord!
Answer their prayers, I beg you, my Lord... We will put you in front of them, my God, be enough for them, my Lord!
Cherish the good, despise the bad! Stop the oppression, stop the barbarians, O Lord of the Great Throne! Show your power over those oppressors, my God!
O God, give hope to your servants, whose moans are filling the world, and the heavens and the earth are shaking from their cries, O God!
Cleanse this world of evil, my Lord! Turn back their hands, silence their voices, take hold of their handles with the grip you deserve, O God...
I will end my speech with the same prayer: O Allah, wash away our mistakes with water, snow and hail. Cleanse our hearts from mistakes as white clothes are cleaned from dirt. Just as you distanced the East from the Maghrib, distance between us and our mistakes...

I hope for your forgiveness.

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