You will see that we have atheists, agnostics, and secularists who are passionate about banning religious education, always siding with the state of Israel. They highly applaud the State of Israel as a secular, democratic, progressive country and a representative of Europe in the Middle East. So, have they learned about the issue of religious education in the state of Israel, which they consider a leader, always praise, and protect their honor in any case? Did you know that religious education in Israel is not a simple matter of morality, but is based on the Jewish holy book, the Torah and its commentary, the Talmud?

It should be said that the teachings, instructions, aggressive views and problems in religious education in Israel are not the main topic here. What we mean is that there is religious education in a country that is considered secular. But the difference is that there is absolutely no racism, sanctification of a nation, radicalism, aggressive views in Islam.

Recently, against the background of the Palestinian conflict, attempts to show differences between the state of Israel and the Arab states have increased. Some Islamophobic chemist compares Israel and Arab countries. According to him, Islamic sciences and religious education are the reason behind the development of Muslims. The method of memorizing texts in Muslims is an obstacle to thinking and development.

In general, some people have such a concept, that is, there is an opinion that religiosity, studying Islam, is an obstacle to science. So how much of this is true?

The author of this article listed Jewish scientists who achieved great achievements in science and their inventions. While praising the current cultural development in Israel, he tried to give the impression that the Israelis have achieved these achievements at the expense of secular sciences. This is the wrong approach, either ignorance or arrogance. In fact, the emphasis on religious knowledge among Jews is completely different from what many of us imagine.

Israeli schools pay great attention to their religion and religious studies. In the school, there are special lessons on Jewish law and faith, children get to know their holy books, and memorize the necessary religious texts.

For the children of families who pay more attention to traditionalism, religious sciences are taught more deeply, leading rabbis come to teach them, Torah texts are memorized. There are analyzes that they not only teach their religion, but also imbibe the spirit of nationalism and instill hatred towards Muslims and Arabs through textbooks. Special studies have been made about it, and anyone who wants to can learn about it.

In addition to providing religious education in schools in Israel, there are also many schools specializing in religious studies. In 2015, there were 240 religious schools in Israel, with 90,000 students studying in them. By 2021, the number of religious schools will reach 285, and the number of students will reach 113,000. These are schools specializing in religious studies, where devout Jews are trained.

Frankly, Jews are more religious than Christians. They preserved Sharia, albeit in a corrupted form. They do a lot of their work based on religious beliefs, but they hide it and show it to the world under the guise of secularism. They have been hiding from people the religious factors that led to their success and are angry.

Therefore, Israel did not give up its religion and religious sciences in order to achieve today's development, on the contrary, it paid attention to other sciences while respecting its religion and studying it deeply. This is the real reality in them.

Many of our representatives do not know their religion or study modern sciences in depth. Chemists, engineers, and others like the author of the article blame Muslims for their ignorance and lack of education. You should do your work while the blessed ones and religious scholars are doing their work, who is holding you back?! Instead of digging others, solve problems in your field and you will grow. You do not stop taking bribes, being jealous of each other, and kicking each other's feet.

Have you ever thought about how many people are interested in religious science? Very little compared to the population. Probably not even half a percent of those who are interested in professional religious specialization. For example, compared to today's population, if we have 350,000 (three hundred and fifty thousand) religious scholars, then one percent of people will devote themselves to Islamic sciences. Such a number is beyond anyone's imagination. Most people just want to be a regular Muslim. Let's say that not one percent, let's say that ten percent of people became experts in religious sciences, then what are the rest doing?

The lack of development of other areas is not related to people's religiosity, but it is related to problems in those areas. Blaming religion for everything is a flaw inherent in the psychology of irreligion.

For example, our population is growing by a little less than a million a year. This means that every year it is necessary to train teachers who will teach so many people in various sciences. For example, if you consider how many people one teacher can teach mathematics, mother tongue, Qur'an, hadith, jurisprudence or other sciences, the staff is a big problem in religious sciences. How many jurists, commentators or muhaddis do you think there are in Uzbekistan as a whole? Almost no. Tell me, today's generation of Bukhari and Tirmidhi, is there any muhaddith or faqih among you and us who will be recognized by the world? Unfortunately, no. There are relatively more people who can only recite the Qur'an, and they are only in urban areas. In no other discipline do we have enough religious scholars. Most of the imams of mosques are, frankly speaking, people who are only suitable for prayer and da'wah, and most of them cannot teach at the level of expertise in religious sciences. Jews have enough religious scholars and researchers. Not only do they study their own religion, but they also study other religions very deeply and are always trying to protect their people from their influence. Everyone knows that among them there are many researchers who have studied Islam from all sides. Their research and writings on the Qur'an and the history of Islam are countless. They usually study other religions after their own. And we have not yet had time to learn enough about our religion. Here is the point!

True, it is necessary to learn the necessary sciences for scientific and technical progress and economic prosperity, without which it is impossible to live well in the world. However, there is always a need for knowledge that holds human spirituality. Islamophobes, whose souls are paralyzed and dead in their hearts due to deep denial, should not consider others to be as dead as they are. There is a person whose pure nature is not corrupted, who encourages religion and wants peace from it. It is not necessary to deny it, but to take measures to ensure it properly. A radical struggle against it does not solve anything, the authoritarian regime of the last century is a vivid example of this. If it can, the state should adequately satisfy this need of the people in an orderly manner. Otherwise, people should not be hindered in making a living. Otherwise, he will not have fulfilled his duty to his people!

It must be admitted that misunderstanding and interpretation of religion is an obstacle to worldly development and a threat to society. It is natural that secularism, extremist ideas, discrimination between useful sciences, one-sided propaganda, and everyone's focus on one field will drag the country back. In today's fast-paced world, this situation is dangerous for society. However, the solution to this problem lies in proper education, not simply in banning education.

It is known from history and today's reality that any field that the state pays a lot of attention to will continue to develop, and it is not necessary to put a barrier on other sciences for this. While the science of hadith developed during the Samanid period, Hanafi jurisprudence developed in our country during this period because the Karakhanids paid much attention to fiqh. The Timurids paid attention to literature, poetry developed. The USSR government used writers for ideological purposes, this industry developed, etc.

At this point, in order to clarify the topic, it is worth remembering the influential Muslim scientists who have made a significant contribution to various fields of science and technology in the current global world:

Abdus Salam (1926-1996): Pakistani physicist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics for his research in the field of electromagnetic interactions. Together with Sheldon Glashov and Steven Weinberg, he made important contributions to the theory of the weak electric force;

Abdul Kalam (1931-2015): Rocket scientist and engineer, former President of India. He is considered the father of India's nuclear program;

Aziz Sanjar (born in 1946). Winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Turkish biologist and chemist;

Ahmad Zawai (1931-2015): Algerian physicist who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for his research in nuclear physics and his efforts to prevent a nuclear conflict in North Africa;

Ahmad Zavil (1946-2016): Winner of the Nobel Prize in 1999 for his inventions in chemistry. He is a Muslim scholar originally from Egypt;

Attiyab al-Ranja (1962-2018): Pakistani physicist, specialist in the fields of elementary particles and cosmology. He is a former director of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN);

Munji Bovandiy (born in 1961). Tunisian scientist. Nobel laureate in chemistry.

Sumayya Nasr (born 1978): Omani astrophysicist and astronomer working for NASA. He is actively involved in the study of galaxies and black holes;

Fatima Ali Sheikh (born 1966): UAE mathematician specializing in number theory. He is a professor of mathematics at New York University in Abu Dhabi;

Hasanayn Kozim (born 1963): Iranian physicist and mathematician working in the fields of string theory and quantum gravity;

Nidal Shakari (born 1963): Lebanese scientist, who contributed to the fields of mathematics and physics, and is known for his work in education and science in the Arab world;

Shiraz Minhas (born 1951): Turkish physicist specializing in experimental nuclear physics. He is also active in popular education.

These scholars constitute a small fraction of the talented researchers and scholars in the Muslim world. Muslim scholars have rendered immeasurable service in all branches of science since ancient times, and even today Muslims continue to contribute to various fields of science and education around the world.

It should also be remembered that receiving the Nobel Prize is not the main condition for recognition of high achievements in science. There are many scientists who are not known to the world, but who made a great contribution to science in their country. Indeed, the necessary requirements for winning international awards are not always met, and in today's world, it is a fact that impartiality in this regard is not always found.

In short, religious education of children is not understood anywhere in the world as the opposite of secularism. In countries where religious education is taught in schools, modern science is not lagging behind. In developed countries claiming to dominate the world, religious education is not considered as poisoning of the youth. If we simply do not have an understanding of the teachings of our holy religion, which has produced our great scholars to the world, then we must admit that the problem is not in Islam, but in our minds. After all, Islam is superior to other religions in terms of humanity.

Religious education is almost free in all countries of the world. However, for those who have learned to recognize not the right, but the strong, one such powerful state is given as an example. In any case, the country chosen by Western leaders as a democratic secular country was chosen. Gentlemen who oppose religious education to worldly development, what do you say to this?

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