In our fifth lesson on deism, we follow the same old style again, entering into a conversation with a deist:

- Will you be satisfied that the good deeds you have done will be attributed to someone else? Let's say you have a restaurant that throws big parties. You feed hundreds of poor people every day. Would you be happy if they recognized this good thing you did as someone else's and thanked him?

In any case, you will not be and say: "O community of the poor, this workhouse is mine! I am feeding you. So give me thanks and gratitude!” you say

Or let's imagine so. You have a big factory and you dress hundreds of people every day. If they are, they will wear the clothes you gave them and say thank you to someone else. Do you agree with this?

In any case, you will not be and say: "This factory is mine, the clothes on you are my products; thank me!”

Let's give another example. Every day, several patients are treated for free in your hospital. Then he went to the other and said: "You are good, if it were not for your generosity, where would we go and who would take care of us!" Who would give us medicine, who would treat us!" if they say, will you leave without saying a word?

Absolutely! "The hospital is mine, I am the one who treated you, gave you ointments, and informed you of your condition. Thank me!” you say

Now our query is:

- You cannot agree that even the simplest of your favors will be given to someone else. How can Allah accept that the infinite blessings and gifts bestowed upon us be attributed to others, thanks and gratitude be expressed?

Of course, He does not allow this and wants us to know that the blessing is from Him. Therefore, He will send prophets and send down books, so that we may know Him as the true owner of blessings. If there is no prophet, we cannot know that the blessing is from God. Look at the people to whom the Prophet was not sent, or those who did not follow the Prophet when he came. A group worshiped idols, that is, they attributed what they had been given to idols. Another group worshiped the fire and the sun, that is, they considered them the owners of all blessings.

Therefore, if a person does not know a prophet and does not listen to his advice, then he makes false gods share in the blessings of God.

In order to turn the eyes of His servants from these false gods to Himself, Allah sent messengers, sent down books and warned:

"O my slaves! You are not the creator and true owner of the blessing. Nevertheless, you want your good deeds to be attributed to you, and you don't want others to share in it. In fact, I am the one who created blessings from nothing, I am their real owner. So, can I agree that you consider my blessings as someone else's and be grateful to others instead of Me? Of course not! So consider my favors to be from me alone and thank me alone!”

The sending of prophets is necessary in this sense, and the presence of prophets is like the presence of blessings   is clear.

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