"For your sake , remember that We divided the sea (into twelve lanes) and saved you, and drowned Pharaoh's army before your eyes" (Baqarah, verse 50) ;

"So, (We) "retaliated" against them - We drowned them in the sea because they lied to Our verses and were heedless of them" (Surah A'raf, verse 136) ;

" (This is) like the cases of Pharaoh's nobles and those before them, when (they) belied the revelations of their Lord, We destroyed them because of (these) sins and drowned Pharaoh's nobles (in water). They were all oppressors" (Surah Anfal, verse 54) ;

"Then when (Pharaoh) tried to drive Moses and his people from there, We drowned him (Pharaoh) and all those who were with him (in the sea)" (Surah Isra, verse 103) ;

"So, when the two groups saw each other (from a distance) , the companions of Moses said: "We have definitely been overtaken." (Moses) said: " No, I have my Lord with me. Indeed, He will guide me (safely) . So We said to Musa: "Strike the sea with your rod!" We sent a revelation. So (the sea) was divided, and each part (the water rose up) became like a great mountain. We brought others (Pharaoh and his army) close to that (way). We saved Moses and all those who were with him . Then We drowned others (in the sea)" (Surah Shu'aro, verses 61-66) .

This verse of the Holy Qur'an informs about the fate of Pharaoh through verses. He says that he drowned in the sea along with Lashkari. Now let's pay attention to another verse: "You were not a reciter of a book before and you did not even write a letter with your hand. Otherwise, the miscreants would have doubted" (Surah Ankabut, verse 48) . As it is clearly stated here, our Prophet did not know how to read and write. So, where did they get the news about the pharaoh who lived centuries before them and that he drowned in the sea? Well, let's leave that for later and move on to another question: Did Pharaoh really drown? Does history confirm the Qur'anic information about his death?

In the British Museum in Great Britain, an inscription on Egyptian papyrus number 6 from the time of the Pharaohs contains the following sentences: " From Amenamone, keeper of the white room of the palace, chief of the books, to the scribe Penterhor:

When this letter reaches your hands and is read from cover to cover, let your heart suffer as a leaf caught in a storm when you learn of the sad disaster of drowning. Calamity befell him suddenly and inevitably. Sleep in the water rendered the creature helpless. Picture the death of the chief, the destruction of the chief of nations, the king of east and west. What other message can be compared to my message to you? "

In this text, it is clearly stated that the Pharaoh of Egypt drowned in the sea. That is, the Egyptian papyrus number 6 confirms the message in the Qur'an. Therefore, we return to our initial question: how did a person who did not write or read a single letter know about the death of a person who lived centuries before him? How can we answer this question if we do not accept the Qur'an as the Book of God? Or can we say "coincidence"? No, coincidence is no substitute for an answer. There is an answer to this question and it is as follows: The Holy Qur'an is a Book revealed by Allah Almighty, who is aware of all times. The Almighty revealed the events that happened in the past and will happen in the future as miracles in the verses of the Qur'an.

What do those who deny that the Qur'an is the Book of God explain the miraculous drowning of Pharaoh and other unseen messages in the verses? Not recognizing the Qur'an as the Book of God is turning a blind eye to the truth and denying the truth. The accuracy of the unseen reports is a confirmation that the Qur'an is the Book and word of God.


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