The word "Himmat" means the beginning of a desire to do something. It is a feeling that leads to a goal. Owners of this feeling endure any hardships in order to achieve their goals. And the highest courage is, without a doubt, to act without swaying in the judgments of Allah, to be steadfast on this path. No matter how much patience and will it requires from a person, it will eventually bear its sweet fruits. Let's talk about these results - the reasons for the high effort.

1. Science and perception. Knowledge always makes effort superior. A knowledgeable person is free from blind imitation and has pure intentions. According to the story, a young man made a suitor for a beautiful girl of a high-ranking family. The girl did not give up because the boy was poor and from a simple family. Then the young man decided to become a high-ranking person, but he wondered whether it would be better to earn wealth or to do something that would bring him fame. Then he chose to study science. As a result, he became a scientist and gained a great reputation. The Boyagi girl herself sent him a suitor. And the young man answered: "I can't put anything above science."

Science teaches its owner to do everything in its place and avoid excesses. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "Render the right of every one who is entitled to it." Perception helps a person to understand the tricks of the devil and not to be deceived by them.

2. Acting for the hereafter. Allah Almighty says:

"Whoever desires the Hereafter and acts with (his) effort in the state of faith , then their effort is acceptable (in the sight of Allah)" (Surah Isra, verse 19).

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says: "Whoever worries about the hereafter, Allah will provide him with many things, calm his heart and make the world follow his footsteps." "Whoever cares about this world, Allah will make his affairs scattered, his eyes open, and what is written for him will be from the world."

3. Remembering death a lot. Remembering death encourages us to act for the hereafter, not to be deceived by this transitory world, to repent and to be diligent on the right path. It is narrated from Baro bin Azib, may God bless him and grant him peace: "We were sitting with the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace. Then they saw a congregation. "What are they gathering for?" they asked.

"They gathered around the dug-up grave," they said. The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was afraid and stood up from among the companions and went to the grave.

They went and sat down. I passed in front of them and looked to see what they were doing. They were crying. Even the soil became wet. Then he turned to us and said: "O my brothers! Prepare hard for this day."

4. Prayer. It is the sunnah of the Prophets and the attractor of all good things. The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "The weakest of people is the one who is unable to pray." And in another blessed hadith, they said: "If anyone of you wants to ask something, let him ask more (and bigger), because he is asking from his Lord. "

5. Concentrate. Hasan Basri says:

"If you do not occupy yourself with the right thing, then you will occupy yourself with falsehood."

6. Stay away from distractions. The environment is a factor that strongly affects a person. According to a Sahih hadith, a man killed ninety-nine people and went to a priest and asked: "Will it be accepted if I repent?" he asked. Abid said: "Do you want to repent after committing so many sins?" It will not be accepted anyway." Then the killer said: "Then let the count be a hundred" and killed Obid. After that, a scholar approached the man and said: "I have killed a hundred people, will it be accepted if I repent?" he asked. The scientist said: "Yes, it will definitely be accepted, and no one can block the distance of Allah with your repentance. But go to such and such a place, there are righteous people who pray to God, join them. Do not go to your own city, for it is not a good place.'

The killer died on his way to the city the scientist had told him about.

Then the angels of mercy and the angels of torment came and argued. Then they agreed that the nearest city would receive the body, and they measured the distance. The murderer came closer to the city where the righteous people lived, and the angels of mercy took him.

Maybe that's why in our sharia, if an unmarried guy commits adultery, he is exiled from his place of residence for a year. Because if he stays in the city, he can commit adultery again.

7. Interacting with important people and reading a lot about them. This is one of the most important reasons for making effort high. People benefit a lot from the conversation of righteous people. When we see them, our devotion to God will increase. The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "There are people who are like a key that invites to good and a lock that prevents from evil."

8. Hasten to do good deeds in any situation and continue with patience. Allah Almighty says: O you who believe! Be patient, be tolerant and stand firm (in the way of Allah) and fear Allah, if you will be saved (in the Hereafter)!" (Surah Ali Imran, verse 200); " Those who strive (jiddu jahd) on our path , We will certainly guide them to Our paths...". (Surah Ankabut, verse 69).

Taken from Asadullo Kholmurodov's book "The Power of a Believer".

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