If you were in Hitler's shoes, would you have won the Second World War, could you imagine living in a socialist environment if the Americans had not dissolved the USSR with political games. Do you still believe that the Jews or people like them will be persecuted? No, we live in a modern, social and democratic age where such inhuman events are unacceptable. Do you think this idea is correct?

Today we will talk with you about the fate of the people who are being ignored by the world, living under great persecution and threats. It is about the oppressed people kept in modern concentration camps.

So we started.. Uighurs..

Xinjiang is an autonomous region within the People's Republic of China. The Uyghurs, who are mostly Muslims, live in the region. The Uyghurs are one of the largest recognized ethnic groups in China, with about 11 million Uyghurs currently living in Xinjiang. The nation wants to achieve independence because of its deep history, culture and language. However, the Chinese government strongly opposes this. A clear example of this is the explosions in 1997 and the protests in Urumqi in 2009. After these events, the government started a sharp fight against the Uyghurs. Named leaders and famous Uyghurs were physically destroyed. Protests were suppressed only by means of weapons, and many Uyghurs were arrested. A policy of sinicization has begun among the Uyghurs in Xinjiang. Those who resisted were severely punished. But that was not all.

A few years ago, according to Sputnik, information about the location of various types of heavily guarded camps in China was spread. Although China could not deny it, it managed to give a political left. It was noted that these camps are actually being built and that Uyghurs will be given vocational information in these camps. But these camps are actually camps in quotation marks, reminiscent of the German concentration camps of World War II. While China denies the treatment, several official websites have shown the real situation of the Uyghurs in the camps. Chinese language culture and history are forcibly taught in the camps inside Koshtirnok, and according to some official and unofficial sources, the Uyghurs in the camps take unknown pills every day. Due to difficult conditions, suicides have become widespread. About 50 Uyghurs are forced to live in a small room. The Chinese are trying several experiments in order to find Islam and introduce their religion to the Uyghurs. In particular, Uyghurs are forced to eat pork and drink alcohol, which are forbidden in Islam. The Chinese government has always rejected these processes and interprets them as a fight against extremism. A person who has heard the above thoughts and has some knowledge of history will understand the extent to which the Uyghurs are suffering and under political and physical pressure. Now we will give a political tone to the issue and go back a little.

2 years ago, America officially left Afghanistan. Although the US has lost large military funds due to 20 years of efforts, it has exerted great political influence on Central Asia, Iran and Russia through Afghanistan. But... But in recent years, due to the negative influence of China's strong economic capabilities and the "soft power" policy it offers to the world community, the United States is paying more attention to China than to Russia or Iran. The reason is that China is a huge obstacle to the global financial hegemony of the United States due to its economic potential alone. Also, due to China's military power and cautious domestic and foreign policies, the US cannot directly organize any political or practical events against China.


But in our opinion, the US can put the Chinese government in a difficult situation. So how? As former US President John Carter said, "The Kurds are a matchstick that the US can light in the Middle East." Since the Kurds are far from China, the US can use the Uyghurs as this "matchstick" and turn them into an independent region through financial and political support. And this is useful for both the US and the Uyghurs. WALLAH ALAM. There are several reasons for this: First of all, in November 2020, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo officially removed the Uyghur group called the Turkistan Islamic Movement from the list of terrorist organizations. In addition, the US, which until recently did not take any position on the genocide in China, has been protecting the Uyghurs for the past 2 years, accusing the Chinese of organizing genocide and violating human rights. So what do you think, will the US attack China using the Uyghurs, or will China continue to put pressure on the Uyghurs, a Muslim nation? In any case, the future fate of our co-religionists is still a controversial issue... Of course, everything is clear to God!

Because we are Muslims, we have a single history, religion and ethnic unity, I would personally support the independent state of the Uyghurs. May Allah grant justice to the infidels and patience to the Muslim community!

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